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Culture Tag

Maximo Alvarez, president of Sunshine Gasoline, attended an event at the White House on Friday. He based his remarks about the ongoing protests in the United States on his own experience as someone who escaped Castro's Cuba. His heartfelt words were very pro-America and pro-Trump, which is probably why this has been largely ignored by the media.

I first blogged about Juneteenth in 2015. As I noted then, the day’s significance is almost criminally under appreciated. Over the last few years, the 19th of June and its significance, are slowly gaining national popularity, reverence, and acknowledgment.

Last week, a man was injured when a statue hit him on the head as he participated with a Black Lives Matter group to remove it. Popular Mechanics decided to publish an article with instructions on how to topple these statues so you don't get hurt. The magazine claims the article is not an encouragement for people to tear down the statues, though!

Actress Rose McGowan has been one of the most consistent humans when it comes to sexual assault allegations. When she says #BelieveAllWomen she means all women. McGowan once again showed politics will not influence who she believes on this topic. She tweeted that she believes Tara Reade, who accused presumptive Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden of sexual assault in 1993. McGowan also demanded Biden drop out of the race.