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Cory Booker Tag

Political rule number 1: Don’t take a selfie with Bozo the Clown. Your opponents will use it forever in political ads. Political rule number 2: Don’t call yourself Spartacus. You will be ridiculed today, tomorrow, and forever.

The only thing worse than pulling a poorly planned and horribly executed political stunt is doubling down on your failure when everyone knows you've failed. Sen. Cory Booker should know. Thursday, Sen. Booker claimed he was intentionally breaking Senate Committee rules by improperly releasing confidential documents, leading to thorough, justified, and humiliating smackdown by Sen. John Cornyn. Later, it was revealed the documents Booker released had already been cleared, that Booker knew they'd been cleared but pretended he had gone rogue nonetheless.

As Kavanaugh's confirmation hearings continue, Democrat desperation is reaching a fever pitch. In a last-ditch effort to spoil the inevitable confirmation, Democrats are claiming Kavanaugh's ascension to the bench will leave women, especially minority women, without birth control.

God bless Senator Cornyn. He's a perpetually undervalued member of the upper chamber. Thursday, during Day 3 of the dog and pony show we're calling a Supreme Court Justice confirmation hearing, Sen. Cory Booker (junior Democrat Senator from New Jersey) used his time to say he would knowingly and purposely release confidential documents obtained by the Senate Judiciary Committee, documents that supposedly proved Kavanaugh a horrid and unfit person for the highest bench in the land.

Senator Cory Booker appeared at the Netroots 2018 conference. Netroots is the annual gathering of far-left ("progressive") activists. For presidential hopefuls hoping to generate buzz among the base, Netroots is a must. This year Elizabeth Warren, Kamala Harris, and Cory Booker were among the speakers.

Following Hillary Clinton's second failed attempt to win the presidency, a few leftwing pundits ventured the opinion that the Democratic Party should reconsider putting all of its eggs in the identity politics basket.  That didn't last long, however, and the left clumsily embraced "intersectionality" in the form of #TheResistance.

Cory Booker's shameless gambit of launching his presidential bid by attacking Jeff Sessions has really gotten under this Insurrectionist's skin. From my Quick Hit of this morning: "I reckon he earned the scorn of many of his fellow Dems for his transparent ploy." And so it was gratifying to get confirmation this morning from Joe Scarborough, who on Morning Joe said this of Booker's stunt: "obviously calculated . . . in a way that would have the other senators, especially Democratic senators, wanting to drag him away . . .  a lot of senators irked, especially on the Democratic side. They thought he was launching his bid for the 2020 campaign."

New Jersey Democratic Senator Cory Booker made "history" today by testifying against a fellow Senator -- Jeff Sessions -- in a confirmation hearing. I noted yesterday that This must mean Cory Booker is running for President in 2020 This was the first time such Senator against Senator testimony had ever happened. Booker tried to make it seem as if he was doing something heroic, as if the choice was between remaining completely silent or taking the witness stand:

Does it get more craven than Cory Booker securing his place in history by becoming the first Senator ever to testify against a fellow Senator during confirmation hearing? It should happen on Wednesday. Are there not enough people already calling Sessions names that Booker has to add his voice? CNN reports:

This has been a particularly troubling week for Democrats' bad behavior on display for the public. First, as Professor Jacobson reported yesterday, a plagiarizing national Democrat politician had to step aside (no, not Joe Biden). But Walsh is just the tip of the iceberg for Democrats this week. Probably the most shocking and disturbing behavior was from Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) who is the second most powerful Democrat in Congress.
House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer made an attempt at humor over his title Wednesday by telling an audience at the U.S.-Africa Leaders Summit that he does not “whip people.” “First of all, let me tell my friends from Africa, I do not whip people,” the Maryland Democrat told the crowd, receiving muffled laughs. “And if you watch ‘House of Cards,’ it is not accurate.” Wednesday’s event, titled “Dialogue with African CEOs,” was hosted by the Congressional Black Caucus, The Daily Caller reported. Mr. Hoyer’s speech covered initiatives meant to boost economic growth in Africa.
Imagine, if you will, if the House Republican Whip had made such a joke. MSNBC would be having a serious of aneurysms and Think Progress would have the torches and pitchforks out for the next six months. But the Hoyer "joke" hasn't made the mainstream media at all. Shocking, right?