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College Insurrection Tag

Recent studies have shown this assertion to be completely false. You would think a college professor would know that. The Blaze reports: College Professor: U.S. Police Are Promoting ‘State-Sanctioned Violence’ Against Minorities Policing in the United States is akin to “third world” law enforcement which has led to...

The CATO Institute has released a new study which confirms what a growing number of Americans already know. Our colleges and universities have serious free speech issues. From the report: Freedom of Speech under Assault on Campus Freedom of speech has been severely criticized at many American universities. Meanwhile,...

Vanderbilt University has picked up the idea of preferred gender pronouns and run away with it. There are charts on campus to explain the proper usage of gender pronouns and name plates are providing individual pronoun preferences. KLEW TV News reports:
Pronoun chart at Vanderbilt to 'provide education, awareness about gender identity' A pronoun chart at Vanderbilt University is to "provide awareness and education about gender identity," according to the school. Fox 17 inquired about the above poster reportedly at Vanderbilt. The school said the poster is part of a grassroots, student-led partnership with the faculty. The school said it's there to provide education and awareness, "rather than establish a formal university policy," the school said in a statement to Fox 17. Vanderbilt said the poster was made in response to a student interest in "promoting inclusivity on campus."

Progressive students at the University of Oklahoma are unhappy about the current level of diversity at the school, which just won an award for promoting diversity. In response, some students have taken to Twitter to complain about the problem. Fox News reports, Oklahoma University students mount protest over 'otherization,' use of gender pronouns:
Students at Oklahoma University have taken to Twitter to share what they are describing as incidents of discrimination and harassment and draw attention to the university’s failed efforts to promote diversity and inclusion.
The school newspaper, OU Daily, has the story:

Harvard Medical School has a new dean this year and some students view this as an opportunity to promote a new agenda at the revered institution. According to these students, the study of medicine is severely lacking in social justice. The Harvard Crimson reports:
Students Draft 'Social Justice Agenda' for New Medical Dean More than a hundred gathered at the Medical School Wednesday to develop a list of priorities for the new dean to help make the school more diverse, convening after a semester of campus activism aimed at selecting a leader dedicated to the issue.