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Chuck Schumer Tag

President Donald Trump took to Twitter to continue celebrating his impeachment acquittal by the Senate. Trump made a series of predictions like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez primarying Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Republicans winning the Alabama Senate seat, and Rep. Jerry Nadler will lose to his primary opponent.

It has been clear for weeks that the Democrats were seeking to 'Kavanaugh' the Senate impeachment trial -- to roll out with media help a well-timed series of supposed bombshell accusations whose main purpose was to create a media hysteria to pressure Republican Senators to extend the process. The process for the nominee, or in the impeachment framework the president, becomes the punishment and the Democrat campaign strategy.

A Democratic candidate for the Senate seat currently being held by Thom Tillis (R-NC) lashed out at Sen. Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) at a recent campaign stop. She accused the former DSCC chairman of handpicking a primary candidate he wanted to win instead of allowing Democratic voters to decide.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell wasted no time on the first day back from the holiday break to attack Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Democrats over the impeachment of President Donald Trump:
"We've heard it claimed that the same House Democrats who botched their own process should get to reach over here into the Senate and dictate our process," McConnell said from the Senate floor.

President Donald Trump tweeted today that he will give a national address on the situation on our southern border. He will travel to the area on Thursday. After hours of  "will they, won't they" coverage,  the broadcast networks and cable news networks decided they will broadcast Trump on Tuesday night. Only CBS confirmed the broadcast by Monday evening. However, their decision led to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to demand equal airtime.

Yesterday, Kemberlee blogged about the partial government shutdown, and today, the Senate adjourned until December 27, 2018.  The partial government shutdown will not be resolved until they return. Meanwhile, recent polls show that 81% of Americans believe that border security is "an important issue," and Republican support for the wall, specifically, is on the increase.