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Carly Fiorina Tag

The 2016 Presidential candidates from both parties are giving only sporadic attention to the refugee crisis currently gripping most of Europe. Hillary Clinton has been relatively quiet, aside from comments stipulating a need for the "entire world" to play a part. Democrat hopeful Martin O'Malley has been a bit more vocal, asking for the United States to take in 65,000 refugees:
"I support the call from humanitarian and refugee organizations for the United States to accept at least 65,000 Syrian refugees next year," he said in a statement Friday. "If Germany -- a country with one-fourth our population -- can accept 800,000 refugees this year, certainly we -- the nation of immigrants and refugees -- can do more."
On the Republican side, Carly Fiorina has been out front on the issue. She was asked about the subject on Face The Nation and didn't hold back:

In Kentucky, a county clerk refusing to issue same-sex marriage licenses despite the Supreme Court's recent ruling has made her way into national headlines. Rowan County Clerk Kim Davis claims her religious beliefs have created an issue of conscience which prohibits her from participating in or condoning gay marriage. Citing God's authority, Davis has stopped issuing all marriage licenses. The whole affair turned into one horrid media circus:
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Late Tuesday afternoon CNN announced an amendment to the rules for its debate scheduled for September 16. CNN's original rules included time-specific polling data that did not accurately mirror current GOP primary field standings. In particular, Carly Fiorina's rapid rise in the polls. Last week, a spokeswoman from CNN said the network would not yield to candidate complaints, saying:
“Our criteria are totally appropriate and we have been absolutely transparent about them throughout. If the Fiorina campaign had an issue with them they could have raised it when we published them in May. They did not,” the spokeswoman said. “Revising the criteria on the eve of the debate at the demand of and solely for the benefit of one particular candidate is not something we have done in the past, and we will not do it now.”
Mounting pressure from news outlets, public figures, and Carly Fiorina's campaign seems to have caused CNN to reconsider. The network explained that a lack of national polling data was to blame. With a significantly greater number of national polls taken during the same timeframe in previous election cycles, CNN claims they had no reason to believe this cycle would have rendered a polling deficiency. Rather than look to national polling averages in data collected from July to September, CNN has amended the debate qualification criteria so that rankings will be decided based on polling data released from August 7 to September 10.

As things stand now, the only woman in the densely populated Republican presidential primary field might not get a spot on the main stage at the next GOP debate. Carly Fiorina is contesting the decision by CNN, who's hosting the debate scheduled for September 16. Fiorina claims CNN as well as the RNC were intentional working to keep her off the debate stage. CNN claims FEC regulations require adherence to debate selection guidelines as they were originally published in May saying, "we believe our approach is a fair and effective way to deal with the highest number of candidates we have ever encountered." According to Fox News, RNC Spokesman Sean Spicer* explained they are legally prohibited from interfering with the media's rules. The debate stage accommodates the ten highest polling candidates. Based on national polls conducted since the Fox News debate held August 6, Fiorina is polling around 8th place. According to CNN's qualification guidelines, national polling averages taken between mid-July and mid-September determine which candidates make the top ten.

Carly Fiorina appeared on CNN this week with Jake Tapper who asked her how she could oppose Obamacare as a cancer survivor. Tapper respectfully pointed out that she's a survivor of breast cancer and asked about the provision which requires coverage of pre-existing conditions. Fiorina responded by saying that while she supports coverage for people with pre-existing conditions, Obamacare isn't helping many of those people. Transcript via Frank Camp of the IJ Review:
Fiorina: “I absolutely endorse that goal–I did at the time. But guess what? None of that has worked. Demonstrably, if you look at the results of Obamacare… health insurance premiums are up almost 40% now. That isn’t helping anyone with cancer, I can assure you that–” Tapper: “But the expansion of the pool allows the insurance companies to pay for the people with pre-existing conditions.” Fiorina: “…Who helped write Obamacare? The health insurance companies, and the drug companies. And guess what’s happening? Those companies are consolidating. That’s called crony capitalism.”
Watch the full exchange below:

The seventh installment of RedState's annual conference concluded Sunday morning. 700 conservative activists from far and wide descended upon the Intercontinental Hotel in Atlanta, Georgia. RedState Gathering was two and a half fun-filled days of high profile Republican speakers, bourbon, drama, and turkey sandwiches. The impressive list of speakers included ten governors, six Congressmen, a handful of conservative media folks, and spokespeople from various activist organizations. Most of the Republican Presidential field attended. After current GOP front-runner Donald Trump was uninvited to a reception at which he was scheduled to speak Saturday evening, the conference found its way into national headlines.

What did RedState Gathering goers think about Donald Trump's rescinded invite?

As we reported early Saturday morning, outgoing RedState Editor in Chief Erick Erickson uninvited Donald Trump. Remarks Trump make during an interview with CNN were, "a bridge to far," according to Erickson. Several RedState Gathering attendees shared their thoughts on Trump's forced absence with Ryan Lovelace of the Washington Examiner:

A good way to predict the future is to look at the past. Using this approach, I have some predictions about what is likely to happen next in the campaign of my current favorite presidential aspirant: Carly Fiorina. To do so, I will look at what happened to Sarah Palin in the wake of her dynamic speech accepting the GOP nomination for Vice President. Palin's presentation was so energetic and moving that she instantly became a target of smears by progressives across the nation, particularly progressive feminists. Her hair, clothing, accent, and family were demeaned, degraded, and dismissed during the 2008 campaign season, and her humiliation is still not complete (e.g., Jon Stewart deriding the "folksy idioms" used by Palin during the Iowa Freedom Summit). Fiornia just gave a brilliant performance and an amazing introduction to the American let the mocking begin:

In the first of the two Republican debates yesterday, the lower polling candidates squared off in a so-called "Happy Hour" debate. All of the candidates did well but Carly Fiorina truly stood out and her performance might be just the jolt her campaign needed. The consensus among many in media was that Carly Fiorina won the debate. CNN made note of the tweets declaring Fiorina the winner:

As a huge fan of the very articulate and forceful Carly Fiorina, I've been wondering why she continues to score very low in the polls for the Republican nomination. Here's my attempt at an answer. I believe Carly Fiorina scores low not only because she lacks name recognition, but because she has never held elective public office and she lost the one race she entered. Even though she did well (considering it was in bluer-than-blue California,) she still lost. Also, although she can explain her firing from Hewlett-Packard in a way that doesn't reflect poorly on her (see this and this), the firing still doesn't sound to the casual listener like a success story. But far more importantly, Donald Trump—-who naturally gains more publicity from his statements and his candidacy because he is flamboyant and somewhat outrageous---has taken the spot Fiorina would otherwise occupy, that of “business-oriented political outsider who has never held public office.” He is far, far more well-known than Fiorina via his long self-promoting stint in the public eye, and is therefore a magnet for the many protest voters on the right. Supporting Trump is a twofer for anyone who's angry at the establishment: he is not a member of the GOP establishment, and he really gets the goat of those who are.

Following the release of the second Planned Parenthood undercover video last week, Presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina joined Jake Tapper on The Lead. Tapper asked Fiorina to define her position on Governor Walker’s recent bill that prohibits abortions after twenty weeks and makes no exclusions for instances of rape and incest. Rather than taking the let's connect Fiorina to what the left believes is an extremist pro-life position bait, Fiorina directed attention to a bill bouncing around the Senate floor, “let’s talk about the legislation that’s sitting on the Senate floor right now which does allow for those exceptions,” she responded.

Carly Fiorina is proud to be pro-life. She's also not willing to let Hillary Clinton's extreme stance on abortion go unnoticed. Flanked by pro-life leaders Tuesday, Carly Fiorina's campaign released a short video in response to the second and arguably worst, undercover Planned Parenthood video. The second investigative video showed yet another ranking Planned Parenthood official nonchalantly discussing the sale of aborted baby parts. "These pro-life leaders are standing with me today to decry the moral depravity that we have seen now from Planned Parenthood. It doesn't matter whether you think you're pro-choice or pro-life, every woman, every man has to look at these videos and think, what has gone wrong in our nation?" said Fiorina. "The hypocrisy of telling women over and over again that their unborn children are not life and yet talking calmly about how to preserve the organs of that life to save another life. The cruelty of denying women over and over again ultrasounds, so that they can see the life they carry within them and yet using that same technology to ensure the organs are preserved so that they can be presumable sold to save others."

We are fans of Carly Fiorina. She should be on the stage at the debates, though it's not clear she will be. Fiorina has shown an ability to take on hostile questioners with a smile, as she slices and dices liberal talking points. That's why we have featured videos of her appearances several times. And it's why we were so disappointed in her Buzzfeed video. In this video, via Steven Crowder, Fiorina is at the top of her game. The interview is from late May, but it's a prime example of why Fiorina should be on the national stage:
“The scientists that tell us that climate change is real and caused by man made activity, also tell us that a single nation acting alone can make no difference at all. So, when I see a state like California destroy lives and livelihoods with environmental regulations that will make no difference at all to climate change, when I see the Obama administration take that same regulation and apply it nationally – it will make not difference at all, yet we’re destroying people’s lives and livelihoods – I wonder, why are we doing this? Why are we doing this when it won’t have any impact?

Carly Fiorina has joined the Buzzfeed Video cast of players in a new promo spot Buzzfeed is flogging as an effort "to show the men of BuzzFeed what it’s like to be a woman in the workplace." I'm sure you know what's coming. Watch: I sat at my desk for a good ten minutes working through my feelings about this one. For years, I have encouraged Republicans to be bold with their messaging, to branch out to different markets, and to stop taking themselves so damn seriously all the time.

"To me, a feminist is a woman who chooses her own life," said presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina. "The life she chooses could be to have five children and stay home and home school them." In June, Fiorina wrote a powerful article called, "Redefining Feminism: The state of women in America." Fiorina charted her career progress and addressed the deterioration of feminism over the years.
Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women—to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections. Being empowered means having a voice. But ideological feminism shuts down conversation—on college campuses and in the media. If you are a man—or a woman—who doesn’t believe the litanies of the left, then you are “waging a war on women” or you are a “threat to women’s health” or you are variously described as “window dressing” —Joni Ernst—or offensive as a candidate—Carly Fiorina. The progressive view of feminism is not about women. It is about ideology. And their policies are not working for women.

Monday, Carly Fiorina's campaign announced they'd raised a total of $1.4 million dollars since their early May launch. But $1.4 million is a drop in the bucket compared the fundraising of a few other Republican presidential contenders. According to the Wall Street Journal, "In an email entitled “Momentum,” Frank Sadler, her campaign manager, reminded supporters Mrs. Fiorina’s campaign “launched from a standing start,” and took a glancing shot at Republican front runner Jeb Bush, the son and brother of presidents."
“Until she announced her candidacy, Carly was leading two highly effective charitable organizations,” he wrote. “She was not building the political infrastructure that other presidential candidates spend years (or generations) to cultivate.” He doesn’t mention the fundraising number—which covers money raised through June 30, the end of the second quarter—until the second page of his memo. Mrs. Fiorina, who is considered a longshot candidate for the GOP nomination, is winning 2% of Republican primary voters’ support, according to a RealClearPolitics average of five recent national polls.
Sadler isn't wrong. Baring the ground game Fiorina built in her failed Senate run, her campaign started without much of a foundation. Now that Fiorina is fully invested in the race, the wisdom of jumping in cold is a discussion for another time.

A recent poll by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News found that a handful of Republican presidential candidates have seen an increase in support but one of the the biggest jumps went to Carly Fiorina:
GOP 2016 Hopefuls Carly Fiorina, Ben Carson, Mike Huckabee Gain Ground in WSJ/NBC News Poll Mike Huckabee, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina all gained significant ground with Republican primary voters in the weeks since they announced their candidacy for the party’s presidential nomination, a new Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll finds. Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul moved in the opposite direction over the same period, with the share of likely GOP primary voters who said they could see themselves backing him falling from 59% in late April to 49% in mid-June. The decline came as Mr. Paul battled fellow Republicans over his effort to end the National Security Agency’s bulk collection of phone records... The biggest movers in the new survey were Ms. Fiorina and Messrs. Carson and Huckabee. The share of Republican primary voters who said they were open to supporting Ms. Fiorina, a former chief executive of Hewlett-Packard Co., jumped from 17% in April to 31% in June, about even with the 29% who said they weren't open to supporting her.

This morning, presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina went were many Republicans fear to go, and even fewer venture in hopes of making strides with new demographics---the set of The View. I think she may have gained ground. Judging from my own experiences and conversations, I'm comfortable with saying that even conservative women like the idea of a woman running for president. It has nothing to do with post-modern feminism, or promoting candidates based on gender, or secret man-hate---it's about not feeling the need to act the contrarian over actual progress. If she did make strides during this interview, she earned them. Out of the gate, the hosts wanted to know about her lack of political experience, and she gave a great answer:
"I understand how the economy works, I understand how the world works, I understand how bureaucracies work, which is what our government's become, I understand technology, which is kind of important now, and I understand leadership. I think this election's gonna be about leadership."
Watch the rest (h/t Tom Szold, National Political Director of Carly for America: