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Canada Tag

Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird gave a very strong speech (embedded at bottom of post) yesterday at the United Nations against the "nonmember" status for "Palestine," in violation of the Oslo Accords. Damn fine speech by #Canada.— Act for Israel (@ActForIsrael) November 29, 2012 Canada is following...

Robin Williams once said of Canada, "it's like a loft apartment overlooking a really great party." But a study released this week said that while the U.S. has been partying, it appeared that Canadians' net worth had leaped ahead of Americans': The average Canadian has quietly...

I've written many times about Rhode Island's public sector pension problem, which is like an albatross hung around the necks of taxpayers.  Although some reforms have been made, retiring at a relatively early age on full or near full salary forevever has created an absurd situation...

In a draft statement the G-8 nations were set to echo Obama's call for negotiations based on the 1967 borders, the same framework which caused outrage in the U.S. Congress: Group of Eight leaders will give "strong support" to U.S. President Barack Obama's call for an...