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The latest internet outrage-bubble started with a post at Politico titled RNC's below-the-belt shot at Nancy Pelosi, regarding a Republican National Committee YouTube video about Nancy Pelosi. I agree with AllahPundit that the RNC should not have produced the video, among other reasons, because "they...

In response to those who want Dick Cheney to "shut the hell up," a group in favor of "telling Dick Cheney to keep talking."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

As my loyal readers know, I long have been a fan of the Google Ads algorithm. The ad on this blog for Big Beautiful Women continues to generate an amazing number of hits, usually from a google search by someone seeking a big beautiful woman....

Remember to call your mother, hug your wife, spend time with your grandkids baby mama, whatever![youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

My post the other day, MSNBC Hides Obama's Dijon Mustard (aka Dijongate), has hit a nerve unlike anything else I have written.The post concerned the lunch trip of Obama and Biden to a burger shop to get a "Hell Burger." I accept that this should...

Matthew Yglesias is one of the best-known left-wing bloggers who does not hesitate to attack anyone he considers to be bigoted (under very expansive and political definitions). Yglesias blogs at Think Progress, a blog run by the Center for American Progress. Think Progress, much like...

I think it's time for the Blogospheric Neologian to coin a new political phrase:SpecterenfreudeThe pleasure derived from watching Arlen Specter do unto Democrats that which Specter did unto Republicans.In the course of his first week as a Democrat Specter voted against the Democratic budget, rejected...

Two lawyer stories, each one has meaning:A 59-year-old lawyer with an Atlanta-based firm who was about to lose his job because of the economy was found dead in his Washington office yesterday of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to police. The source said [Mark]...

UPDATE: Alan Colmes e-mailed me to indicate he meant no offense, and said "C’mon Professor, we’re BOTH blowhards." Well, that may be going a bit too far, but thanks for the note. I take back what all those people said about him.----------------------------------------------------I am...

In what should go down in internet history as one of the most embarrassingly misleading posts, John Nichols of The Nation authored an article titled "GOP Know-Nothings Fought Pandemic Preparedness." The joke was on Nichols, because Nichols and the nutroots bloggers who ran with his...

Ezra Klein got a promotion. He's moving from The American Prospect to The Washington Post. He is receiving Obama-like kudos:This is a great move by the Post, and a risk. Ezra is among the cream of the crop of the new phase of journalism --...

Matthew Yglesias on the new tape released by Ayman al-Zawahri telling Muslims not to be fooled by Obama:Perhaps the best thing that ever happened to the relatively small group of people known as al-Qaeda was the rise to power of George W. Bush, whose brutality,...

Andrew Sullivan complained that as of 7:27 p.m. on April 16, 2009 (approximately three hours after the interrogation memos were released by DOJ), none of DrudgeReport, Instapundit, Michelle Malkin or Pajamas Media had a post on the topic:No mention of the torture memos appears right...

I long have criticized the bias of the NY Times, and mocked its business death spiral. My posts Nude Swiss Hikers Rescue NY Times and NY Times New Business Strategy: DEATH mocked the sensationalist trend on The Times' website. I was the first (as far...

Texas Governor Rick Perry said that he doesn't think Texas should secede from the U.S. Here is Perry's quote:We got a great Union. There's absolutely no reason to dissolve it, but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know, who...

Liberals love to quote Sinclair Lewis' line that "when fascism comes to America, it will be draped in the flag and carrying a cross." Lewis was wrong. We have had the flag and Christianity for over 200 years, but we have not had fascism.To the...

Did you hear the one about the person Sarah Palin picked for Attorney General of Alaska? He defended the right of the Ku Klux Klan to express its abhorrent speech. Over at Huffington Post, blogger Sam Stein is outraged, outraged I say:Sarah Palin's choice for...

I am pleased to announce that I will be cross-blogging from time-to-time at Hot Air's The Green Room. The Green Room provides a "select" group of bloggers the opportunity gain exposure to a wider audience, and a wider audience to get exposure to bloggers...