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Blogging Tag

Nothing interesting to write about this morning.  At least nothing that hasn't been beaten half to death already. Suggestions?  Thoughts?  Comments?  Anybody out there?...

I received this note from a loyal reader: Tomorrow the family and I leave for a computer-free week at Cape May Point, NJ so I will be undergoing withdrawal from Legal Insurrection. There's no need to go through withdrawal.  You can subscribe to posts via e-mail:  Get Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion...

As part of the continuing attempt to blame the "right wing blogosphere" for the shooting and bombing in Norway, two Norwegians take to the pages of The NY Times (h/t Left Coast Rebel) to decry the cabal of right wing bloggers and other supposed Islamophobes. Notice how easily...

I'm used to left-wing bloggers distorting what I write, which is why I rarely respond.  But I was disappointed to read Charles Lemos of MyDD, one of the less crazy of the genre, write the following on Saturday morning: In fact even before all the facts were...

Thanks to new commenter something for the link to this cartoon.  Pretty much sums up my life at this critical juncture in the history of the Republic. ...

Apparently not, according to John Hawkins, The slow, painful death of the independent, conservative blogosphere: Sure, there were a few outliers that took off: Hot Air, Redstate, and the Breitbart empire for example, but most conservative blogs have either grown insignificantly, stayed the same size, or...

Someone who after 9 years is not suffering from Blogger Burnout or any other known blogging disorder. We all should be so lucky. ...

The (bad) news recently reminds me of a flock of birds. I can't seem to focus on any one of them....

while striking out at me at The Atlantic.  Read to the end to find out how and why. I have been a critic of Green, who is the Senior Editor of The Atlantic and writes a weekly column at The Boston Globe.   I criticized Green for...

In late December I posted my "not predictions" for 2011.  (My "predictions" are here.) Here are the first 10 "not predictions."  I think I'm doing pretty well, although some still are works in progress: There will be a government shutdown crisis over the House budget, which will...

Benjamin Korn of Jews for Sarah, writing at the JTA,  OP-ED: Jews becoming commonplace in conservative ‘new media’: Many reviews already have appeared of "The Undefeated," the soon-to-be-released documentary about Sarah Palin’s tenure in Alaska.Yet none of them -- even in The Los Angeles Times, Huffington...

Late this afternoon, the 500th person registered with this blog just two weeks after registration opened. Thanks for signing on. If only they had had our 500, who knows: Update:  In response to some reader questions, registering has nothing to do with WordPress.  If you have a WordPress...

From Robert Stacy McCain, on the eve of the 7 millionth visit to The Other McCain: One of the common complaints of newbie bloggers is that it’s impossible for them to break through into the top ranks of the blogosphere, because Big Bloggers hog up all the...

I've been away from the blog for, oh, seven hours. Are we still the ones we have been waiting for? Is there anything he's not willing to sell or raffle off to get reelected? Have any more people piled on Michele Bachmann? Is the Chief Cheesehead of the Supreme...

And I just saw them to help celebrate their 65th wedding anniversary.  I know, it's the White House trying to shut me down again. Thanks to a reader for alerting me to this block he now gets at work: ...

I posted yesterday about my suspicions that Netroots Nation 2012 was scheduled for Providence, RI, a small convention market (and near my home in RI) in order to keep RightOnline away by booking almost all the major convention space and hotel rooms. Netroots Nation has been...

For those of you returning to work and who have not checked the blog this weekend, we safely landed on Saturday at 12:17 p.m. The landing was a little bumpy, but the blog quickly steadied, tossing out most of the bugs before the passengers deplaned. So now that...

.... until sometime before Monday.  Keep checking back, you'll know the transition has taken place when you automatically get redirected to COMMENTS will be put through, so DON"T COMMENT anymore on the "" site because the comments will not be put through and will not...