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Workers of the world, welcome

Workers of the world, welcome

For those of you returning to work and who have not checked the blog this weekend, we safely landed on Saturday at 12:17 p.m.

The landing was a little bumpy, but the blog quickly steadied, tossing out most of the bugs before the passengers deplaned.

So now that you are back at work, put on your best “I’m busy, leave me alone” face, and check out the new equipment.


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to the full extent allowed by law.



Love the new site, keep up the good work – it’s a jungle out here,

Looks great!

I still say your man Ed Burns needs to add the blog’s nifty logo in the now blank web address logo spot so it shows up in everyone’s browser address bar when viewing your website articles. 🙂


It’s like a missing bumper sticker lol