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Blogging Tag

Deep down in Update III to a Thighgate post, Robert Stacy McCain makes an observation which is spot on about the mood out here in blog-over country: There has been a lot of crazy on the blogosphere today that had nothing to do with me and, discussing it with...

The Red Carpet Blogger Awards event was held at CPAC this morning.  I am very pleased to announced that Legal Insurrection received the award for the Most Underrated Blog. I guess that is fitting, and I appreciate recognition that we have not yet been sufficiently recognized...

Via Ann Althouse, comes this BBC story about tracking down and confronting an "RIP troll": Full BBC story here....

I've just added a feature I think you will enjoy, The Legal Insurrection Daily. As you know, I use Twitter a great deal for the most up to date news, to interact with other bloggers, and to promote LI.  I have over 4100 followers on Twitter,...

Jennifer Rubin, the "right" blogger at The Washington Post and incessant Romney promoter, repeatedly has lashed out at Newt Gingrich with truly vile language unbecoming a writer at a major newspaper. At 9:00 a.m. this morning, when Rubin thought Donald Trump would be endorsing Newt, here is what Rubin...

It was a very busy month here. Traffic was up, with almost the highest number of visits I've ever had in a month (560k) and the highest page views ever (848k). I haven't counted comments by month, but at some point during January we went from the...

Alan Grayson still appears here every now and then. Elizabeth Warren hasn't been seen for a long time, I guess she's on work detail helping build the roads for the factory owners to use. But I've noticed a lot of these lately: I can handle that.  So long...

I received this message when clicking here a few times, and other readers have complained sporadically about similar messages. We've checked, rechecked, and checked, and we're clean.  But, if you receive similar messages, please let me know in the comments or tip line, so that we...

From the kind folks at BuzzFeed Politics, A Message For Mitt Romney  (bold in original): Today Mitt Romney left reporters from online outlets (The Huffington Post, Politico, and BuzzFeed) off of his campaign plane. We thought we'd provide a friendly reminder to Governor Romney and his...

In response to reader requests, we're adding a way to vote thumbs up or down on blog posts and comments. Be nice, or not....

At least her blog, that is: It was back on January 14, 2004 that I crossed the line into the blogosphere. (That's what we called it then, the blogosphere.) After posting every single day — absolutely never even one day away — I'm still having a...

I knew that my position on Bain Capital would fray some relationships in the conservative blogosphere, but this post by Don Surber took me by surprise, Why Republicans Oppose Capitalism: Newt and Rock Perry are trying to divide the party in a way I never imagined. I thought the...

From the Coffee Shop Blog: Comment of the week. No. The Year. "I'm Barack Obama and George Soros approved this message" LukeHandCool at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion...

Commenter Taxpayer1234 mentioned yesterday that s/he had written a graduate school paper on conservative political blogs, and s/he was kind enough to forward it to me. Three blogs were the focus of the paper, Legal Insurrection, Ace of Spades HQ, and The Other McCain.  Remember, everything is...

Here were my "not predictions" for 2011, graded: I would not classify the following as predictions unless they come true, in which case I am a genius.  Here are some things I’m looking at in the coming year (list to be updated throughout the day). There will...

Readers have been emailing me about the dangers of the Stop Online Privacy [wow, what a slip] Piracy Act but I've been a bit distracted.  Here's the concern from the Electronic Frontier Foundation: The "Stop Online Piracy Act"/"E-PARASITE Act" (SOPA) and "The PROTECT IP Act" (PIPA)...

Clinical observation: But Politico’s traffic losses appear to be part of a year-long trend on the  political left. Media Matters For America’s website, for instance, lost 56.83  percent of its unique visitors between November 2010 and November 2011. In the  same 12-month period, Talking Points Memo...