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Black Lives Matter Tag

I've written well over 1,500 posts for Legal Insurrection over the years, and one that stands out in my memory as a heartbreaking emblem of "woke" culture was a post about a school in New York City that was teaching little K-8 white children they were "born racist."  Children were coming home in tears, telling their parents that they were "a bad person."

If you're going to preach Black Lives Matter you better include every damn one of them. A person shot to death David Dorn, a retired St. Louis police captain. Dorn responded to an alarm at a pawn shop, which was being looted during riots. President Donald Trump remembered Dorn. Where is Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Elizabeth Warren, etc?

We may have virtually met; it has been the greatest honor of my professional career to guest host for Rush Limbaugh on multiple occasions. My show prep for Rush’s program, and my own in Seattle, always include Legal Insurrection--as a reader, you know why. When Professor Jacobson granted me the great privilege of writing here, I did not know it would come as my childhood home, the birthplace of my own child and my neighborhood of twenty-five years was being destroyed, partly by Antifa.

Much to the chagrin of the leftist feminist contingent, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana is making quite a splash in the Democrat media with his 2020 presidential bid.  Affectionately dubbed "Mayor Pete," Pete Buttigieg has enjoyed fawning, gushing press for the past week or so. Not so fast, though, because not every leftie is on board with Buttigieg's 2020 aspirations.  We know this because he was recently accused of saying, back in 2015, that all lives matter.

Seven years ago George Zimmerman shot Trayvon Martin in lawful self-defense, as Martin beat Zimmerman to a bloody pulp Mixed Martial Arts style. Martin died of a single shot. The eyewitness and forensic evidence introduced at trial corroborated Zimmerman's account of being sucker punched in the nose, something Martin had bragged in text messages, kept from the jury, was his preferred method of starting fights. An eyewitness witnessed the beating, and the forensics were completely consistent with Zimmerman's account.

Two professional associations of police leaders and chief law enforcement officers in Georgia have condemned the virulently anti-Israel and undeniably antisemiticDeadly Exchange” campaign. That campaign, led by 'Jewish Voice for Peace', falsely blames Israel and American Jewish organizations, including the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), for U.S. domestic police practices and problems in minority communities.

As noted by Mike, newspapers are responding to President Trump's accusation that they are coordinating against him by taking their anti-Trump coordination efforts public.
“We propose to publish an editorial on August 16 on the dangers of the administration’s assault on the press and ask others to commit to publishing their own editorials on the same date,” The Globe said in its pitch to fellow papers.
While they are focused on working against the president for his "assault" on the press, antifa fascists in Charlottesville actually assaulted the press and a police officer. . . not that you'd know it from the lack of media coverage.

Two black men were arrested at a Starbucks Coffee store in Philadelphia last week after getting a call from a store manager. The men arrested attempted to use the store's bathrooms without purchasing anything and then refused to leave. They were reportedly meeting with a real estate investor.

The "progressive stack" is a method to order speakers and participants by race and gender along a "social justice" hierarchy. Women "of color" come first, men "of color" next, then white women, and at the back of the line, white men. The progressive stack is all over the news the last few days because a graduate student Teaching Assistant at the University of Pennsylvania, Stephanie McKellop, bragged on Twitter about using the progressive stack in class, as we reported in U. Penn Teaching Assistant Calls on White Male Students Last, Because “Social Justice”:

An unidentified police officer who was injured by a rock thrown during a "Black Lives Matter" protest in July 2016 sued activist DeRay McKesson and Black Lives Matter. The case was thrown out on a motion to dismiss because (1) as to McKesson, the court found no specific actions alleged against him that showed he directed specific acts of violence, much less the specific act that harmed the officer; and (2) as to Black Lives Matter, the court found that it was not an entity that could be sued, but merely a social movement.

Last year, when then-49er Colin Kaepernick explained why he knelt instead of showing respect for our nation, its flag, or its anthem, he was very clear about the nature of his pointedly anti-America protest.
"I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder."
This was, of course, in the wake of the Ferguson riots and during the rise of Black Lives Matter.  The context was very pointed and very deliberately anti-America, and it mattered not that it was based on misinformation at best and outright lies at worst.