Biden Iran | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 7
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Iranian authorities use electric shocks on gay, lesbian, and transgender children, along with other forms of torture, as a way to "cure" their sexual orientation, a new United Nations report disclosed. 

The disclosure comes as President Biden's administration decided to go easy on Iran's bloody human right record. The Biden staffers have been "silent on Iran’s rights record" as they hope to engage the regime on the nuclear issue, the Voice of America observed recently. 

United Nations inspectors have found new evidence that "Iran has undertaken work on nuclear weapons," the Wall Street Journal reported on Saturday. The UN nuclear watchdog, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), found traces of radioactive material at Iranian nuclear sites, indicating that the regime is secretly building a nuclear bomb, the report suggests.

Israeli military chief has warned neighboring Lebanon of an 'extremely significant counterattack' if Iran-backed Hezbollah terrorist militia uses the country to launch attacks against Israel. "In the face of these threats, we will respond with an extremely significant counterattack that will include targeting rockets, missiles and weapons, whether in open areas, or adjacent to and inside buildings," Israel Defense Forces (IDF) chief Aviv Kochavi said.