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Biden Administration Tag

The Senate has confirmed Tracy Stone-Manning to lead the Bureau of Land Management on a party line vote. Republicans have been objecting to her nomination for months, due to her connection to an act of eco-terrorism, as well as her views on population control. Senate Republicans also suspect that Stone-Manning will use her position to advance the left's radical agenda on climate change.

We are only nine months into Joe Biden's presidency and many Democrats are already worried that the wheels are coming off. The massive $3.5 trillion spending bill they are trying to ram through keeps hitting roadblocks, and they know time is running out. After all the massive failures we've witnessed in recent weeks, if their spending bill crashes and burns, it would be a massive embarrassment for this administration.

In Federalist 48, James Madison observed that “power is of an encroaching nature,” and that it’s the natural tendency of those in power to exceed their authority. Madison must have been thinking about a politician like Joe Biden....