Author Anniversary | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
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Author Anniversary Tag

One of my greatest joys of running Legal Insurrection is the longevity of our key authors, three of whom (Mike, Leslie, Fuzzy) have celebrated 10th year Anniversaries with us, and several more people 5th year anniversaries. We can add an addition to the Ten Year Club, Kemberlee Kaye.

September 17, 2014, changed my life forever. I gave a speech in Syracuse, NY, for the Jewish Federation of Central New York about the anti-Israel movement on campus. I can't find a video or audio of the appearance, but I remember one thing in particular.

On July 30, 2014, Kemberlee Kaye did her first post for Legal Insurrection, about failed border policy. Over 2000 posts later, she's still here. Kemberlee quickly carved out a niche of covering cultural (war) issues, particularly in defense of dads, and against political correctness and pseudo science:

Five years ago today "Fuzzy Slippers" became an author at Legal Insurrection. 2012 was a very good year, as we also recently celebrated 5 year anniversaries for A.F. Branco, Mike LaChance, and Leslie Eastman. But that is not the start of the Fuzzy story. Starting in early 2010, Fuzzy had her own blog first at Google Blogger (didn't we all?), Fuzzy Logic. That "blogspot" blog no longer exists, except in bits and pieces on the Wayback Machine. Then she got all fancy (didn't we all?) and moved to Wordpress in early 2012, Fuzzy Logic: