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Antisemitism Tag

The reason there is no peace in the Middle East is that Palestinians believe this, teach it and put it on their television, via Palestinian Media Watch (h/t @haivri): Sheikh Muhammad Al-Tawil teacher in Al-Aqsa Mosque school: "What's happening at the Al-Aqsa Mosque (i.e., Temple Mount...

We ran this over at College Insurrection last week, but I think it's worth running again an excerpt from Hen Mazzig, An Israeli Soldier to American Jews: Wake up! As a young Israeli who had just completed five years of service in the IDF, I looked...

The Boycott, Divestment and Sanction (BDS) movement, as our readers know, is a vile combination of leftists and Islamists joined together by hatred of Israel who hide behind false and exaggerated claims regarding the "occupation," when the real goal is the destruction of Israel. The BDS...

Yesterday we posted examples of the racist and other posters placed around the Oberlin campus last February as part of The Great Oberlin College Racism Hoax of 2013.  There are many more in the Oberlin police department document production we did not post. On no campus in the United States or elsewhere would the racist posters using the "N" word and so on be acceptable public discourse (even if it is an interesting free speech legal issue). But what about the anti-Israel poster? Oberlin Poster Anti-Israel w out handwriting Unfortunately, such discourse on campuses and elsewhere is par for the course in the anti-Israel movement.  The attempt to single out Israel alone for boycott, and the false equation of Israel with Apartheid, fascism and Nazism, is part of the dialogue and accepted.  Oberlin is one of only a handful of higher education campuses where the student government has endorsed the anti-Israel BDS movement and boycott. In fact, Oberlin has one of the most active anti-Israel movements which spreads historically inaccurate falsehoods about the "occupation" and Israeli "Apartheid" policies: I have to wonder, if only the anti-Israel posters were put up around Oberlin not accompanied by attacks on blacks, Muslims and gays, would anyone have noticed or cared?  Would the campus have erupted in protest? Somehow I doubt it. The specific flag used on the Oberlin poster is akin to a stock image in anti-Israel protests, this one in San Francisco:

It's a really catchy toon, I hear. The Boycott Divestment and Sanctions crew sure knows how to fire up a crowd. Oh wait, they were the crowd. BDS head draws fire after defending ‘Shoot the Jew’ chant: An anti-Israel rally at a South African University that saw protesters...

Don't say we didn't warn you repeatedly about Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his administration: Turkish Deputy Prime Minister blames “Jewish Diaspora” for Gezi Park protests Turkish Prime Minister drops what little is left of his moderate mask Turkish Foreign Minister salutes “all those martyrs who were...

Earlier this summer the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) and Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) held a BDS camp. The BDS (Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions) movement, which we have covered extensively, targets Israel. AFSC BDS These groups claim only to seek an end to the "occupation" of East Jerusalem and the West Bank. That territory, as we've covered here many times, is not illegally occupied. AFSC has a long history of demonizing Israel and seeking to delegitimize Israel under the seemingly benign Quaker movement name. AFSC is one of the most active BDS supporters, providing support for BDS groups on and off campus: AFSC BDS Handout AFSC seeks the de facto destruction of Israel as a Jewish state by pushing for a "right of return" for all Palestinian refugees, based on the false claim that such right of return is required under U.N. Resolution 194. In fact, as readers know, there were as many Jewish refugees from Arab countries as the other way around. There's a very telling remark at the end of Philadelphia Jewish Exponent's Philly-Based Quaker Group Criticized For BDS Camp:
Alexis Moore, an AFSC spokeswoman, said her group rejects “the idea that BDS is anti-Semitic. We are not targeting a country.” Instead, it is targeting specific companies like Israeli-owned Sodastream, that has its home fountain soda maker factory on the West Bank. “We see nothing anti-Semitic in the use of these non-violent tactics. Our work is rooted in human rights and equal justice for everyone.”
By mentioning SodaStream she gives away her game.

We've made this point time and again, the Palestinian culture of incitement is the core problem You will not see western boycotts, divestments or sanctions for the type of incitement against Jews routinely put out by Palestinian media and institutions. Anti-Jewish incitement is an accepted part of...

We have noted time and again that Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's hostility towards Israel seemed pathological, not political.  It's not just Erdogan.  The Turkish Foreign Minister has praised the martyrs against Israel. Now the Deputy Prime Minister has has suggested a Jewish conspiracy behind the protests centered...

The academic boycott of Israel organized by the BDS movement claimed a big success when the Guardian ran an article yesterday, Stephen Hawking joins academic boycott of Israel. That report set off a furious response, since the academic boycott of Israel is anathema to almost all...

Holocaust Memorial Day was commemorated last week. The day occasioned a number of remarkable stories. Orin Kerr wrote about his late father: The death march brought Aronek and his group to a death camp called Rieben in West Prussia. On the way there, they slept on church floors...

Mandy will have an update on #OpIsrael either later tonight or in the morning. My suspicion is that we have another historic Palestinian victory inflicting severe injury on the Zionist entity, just like all their other victories. One of the victories attempted by the hackers was to...