Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag, under sentence of death for apostasy,
has given birth in a Sudanese prison to a daughter.
In reaction to her imprisonment and death sentence, the US Embassy in Sudan has released a statement protesting her incarceration, and a few US Senators have also supported her.
Others, including Kelly Ayotte of NH (Ibrahim's wheelchair-bound husband, who suffers from muscular dystrophy,
is from Sudan but is a US citizen and a resident of New Hampshire), have gone further and written a letter:
...asking John Kerry, U.S. Secretary of State, to offer political asylum to Ibrahim.
"We also urge you and President Obama to reappoint an Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom, whose primary purpose is to monitor, prevent, and respond to this exact type of incident," the letter stated.
Some groups such as Amnesty International are
on the case as well.
And what of President Barack Obama? The guy who spoke up readily in the Henry Louis Gates arrest and the Zimmerman case?
The answer appears to be silence---at least so far---as well as silence from Secretary of State John Kerry.
Obama is in the same position vis a vis Islam as Mariam Yahia Ibrahim Ishag herself, by the way, although of course he's not in prison for apostasy.
Here are the facts of her life as reported: