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Abortion Tag

Yesterday, Alabama blew up the internet by passing and then signing into law a heartbeat law, making it possible to prosecute abortion providers who perform abortions after a baby's heartbeat is detected. Despite the minuscule number of abortions performed in the case of rape or incest (which make up an estimated 1.5% of all abortions -- and that's a high estimate), Alabama's bill made no such concessions, leaving one exception only -- the life of the mother.

Sims made the news a few days ago when a video showed that he harassed two teenagers praying outside of a Planned Parenthood. He even offered a reward to dox these girls, aged 13 and 15. Because big shot Pennsylvania State Rep. Brian Sims did not apologize in his supposed "apology" video posted on Twitter. Instead, he expressed regret for his actions since it violated Planned Parenthood's "non-engagement policy."

I have no idea why people call this controversial because there is nothing controversial about life and science. Life begins at conception. It's science and basic biology. Republican Georgia Governor Brian Kemp signed into law the bill "Living Infants Fairness and Equality (LIFE) Act." This bill "prohibit abortions in the state after a heartbeat is detected, as early as six weeks into a pregnancy."

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are some of the unalienable rights bestowed on us by our Creator. Life is the most important right because without it, the other rights don't matter or exist. Someone needs to remind North Carolina Democrat Gov. Roy Cooper of these unalienable rights. Cooper vetoed the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which required doctors to save babies who survive abortion.

Following the truly horrific 2015 revelations that Planned Parenthood was harvesting baby parts and haggling over baby brains for profit, Republican governors across the nation moved to ban taxpayer funding to Planned Parenthood.  In February 2016, then-Ohio Governor John Kasich signed into law a bill that restricted state funding to Planned Parenthood. While a lower court had previously blocked the state from stripping $1.5 million in funding from the nation's top abortion provider, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday that Ohio can indeed defund Planned Parenthood.

Democrats really stepped in it when they forsook "safe, legal, and rare" in exchange for a nationwide push to codify infanticide up to and after birth. Despite the media's attempts to sweep the issue under the rug, the damage is done. A new Marist Poll commissioned by none other than The Knights of Columbus found public attitude shifting in favor of life and by a lot. 17 points a lot. For the first time in 10 years, Americans (based on the poll sample, anyway) are just as likely to identify as pro-life as they are pro-choice.

What a difference going on groveling apology tours can make for Democrats. Results from two recent Virginia polls show that Gov. Ralph Northam and AG Mark Herring have managed to survive the blackface scandals that rocked the state earlier this month. The sexual assault allegations against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, however, have divided the state on his fate.