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Emory University Hosts Lecture on ‘Abortion as a Moral Good’

Emory University Hosts Lecture on ‘Abortion as a Moral Good’

“focus on reframing the public conversation about abortion in this country”

What do you think would happen if someone wanted to do a lecture about gun ownership as a moral good?

Campus Reform reports:

Emory University hosts ‘abortion as a moral good’ lecture

Emory University hosted a lecture, titled, “Reframing Choice: Abortion as a Moral Good” on Monday.

The event was sponsored by the Center for Women at Emory and the Emory Reproductive Health Association.

Dr. Rebecca Todd Peters, a Christian feminist professor at Elon University, delivered the lecture. Peters is the author of Trust Women: A Progressive Christian Argument for Reproductive Justice. Trust Women argues that the judging and shaming of women who choose to have abortions is caused by racism and patriarchy, according to the book’s description.

“The lecture will focus on reframing the public conversation about abortion in this country,” Peters said in a statement to Campus Reform before the event. “My hope for the lecture is that it will generate a respectful and productive conversation about abortion and reproductive justice.”

But the Emory College Republicans were less positive about the lecture.

“Emory GOP, of course, is very disappointed in the university’s overt decision to support this event,” an Emory College Republicans spokesperson said to Campus Reform. “However, we do respect the right…to speak about this topic.”


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From Professor Peter’s bio on the Elon website:

“This new project also focuses on helping people think in more sophisticated ways about how pregnancy challenges our existing moral categories of personhood and life.”

Read that one a few times and let it sink in.

We must be more “sophisticated” like Kathy Tran, Ralph Northam and Andrew Cuomo.