2nd Amendment | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 30
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2nd Amendment Tag

The vote took place on a vote to close debate. BREAKING: Bill to expand background checks for gun purchases is defeated in the Senate.— NBC News (@NBCNews) April 17, 2013 Toomey-Manchin Fails on Cloture Vote, 54-46; Four Democrats Vote for Filibuster bit.ly/17pjCi1— AoSHQ (@AoSHQ) April 17, 2013 Fundraising...

From Pat Austin at And So It Goes In Shreveport, Free Chicken Saturday With Concealed Carry Permit: As the 2013 Louisiana legislature prepared to take up several gun regulation proposals, a local fast food fried chicken place has weighed into the debate by offered a free...

Piers Morgan has had some epic gun control rants. It resulted in aggressive push back from people like Dana Loesch. Now James O'Keefe is on it: Hey, @piersmorgan, can you please explain these signs on your Beverly Hills property? twitpic.com/cghoe4 — James O'Keefe(@JamesOKeefeIII) April 2, 2013 Via National Review (h/t...

The game plays out every time there is a high-profile act of criminal violence.  There is an immediate media and left-blogsphere search to tie the shooter to a "right-wing" entity ...

We noted before that New York was going to abandon the 7-round magazine limit in the new handgun law. We didn't expect it would be done so quietly, by folding it into a provision in the budget, via Bloomberg News: Governor Andrew Cuomo’s seven-round limit on magazines...

The NY Gun law effectively banned the purchase of new pistols because pistols are not generally made to hold 7-round magazines, and even if some manufacturers would produce such magazines for the NY market, it still presented a constitutional problem:  Under the Heller and McDonald...

We have written before about the severe ammunition shortage ever since Democrats announced broadened gun control plans, with store shelves almost bare. Reader Danelle writes about a shortage of .22LR ammunition affecting youth shooting groups: As you know, one of my other jobs is teaching youth shooting...

Via Mediaite: On Thursday, during a committee hearing in the U.S. Senate on gun control legislation, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) engaged in a heated exchange over the constitutionality of her support for stricter gun control laws. In posing a question regarding...

Can we just officially declare the anti-gun hysteria to have reached the point of insanity? We're punishing 7-year olds for biting pastry into the shape of a gun? These school officials have lost their minds, 7-year-old suspended for alleged ‘pastry gun’: But WAIT, it gets worse: https://twitter.com/CamEdwards/status/308954366507900928 UPDATE...

From David: Greetings from Fort Worth, Texas. I was at the local Walmart tonight and thought I’d check out their ammo section to see what kind of selection they carry. I was so shocked at how picked over it was. There were 2 signs on the glass...