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2nd Amendment Tag

On August 13, 2019, we wrote about an extraordinary Amicus Brief filed by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) on behalf of himself and several other Democrat Senators. The Brief was extraordinary because it threatened the Justices with a potential restructuring of the Court if the Justices didn't dismiss as "moot" the first big 2nd Amendment case the Court has taken in a decade. The Brief was panned by right, left, and center as a thinly-veiled and inappropriate threat.

A poll hosted by the MSNBC asked respondents a simple question: Do you think people should be allowed to carry guns in public? Given that it's MSNBC, the leftist conspiracy machine, hosting the poll, I doubt they thought the results would be so favorable to our beloved Constitution.

It had been almost a decade since the U.S. Supreme Court took a major 2nd Amendment case, something Justice Clarence Thomas lamented in a dissent from the Court's refusal to hear an appeal from a 9th Circuit decision upholding California's 10-day waiting period even for those who already owned guns legally and had gone through the permitting and background check.

Every time I think the media-Democrat frenzy could not get any more frenzied, it gets more frenzied. How seamlessly they have transitioned from almost three years of Russia-collusion-mania to the current frenzy claiming that anyone and everyone who supports Donald Trump is a white supremacist.