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2020 Presidential Election Tag

As chatter rises about Joe Biden's fitness, and Trump's poll number's keep rising as Biden has all but disappeared, Biden's campaign is trying to book Biden in comfort-zone interviews, where he has at least of chance of staying on script. And by staying on script, I mean literally staying on script, as in reading from notes during the interview.

The public perception problems for Joe Biden are growing. He's not all there, as is obvious from his disastrous livestreams and TV interviews, and has all but disappeared during the Wuhan coronavirus crisis. A just-released ABC News / Washington Post poll (pdf.) reveals another problem, one that comes as no surprise: Democrats are not enthsiastic about Biden, even as he racks up delegates and appears headed to the nomination.

Donald Trump's daily press conferences on Wuhan coronavirus updates is must watch TV. Trump and various health and senior officials spend close to two hours providing detailed information, and then subject themselves to an hour or more of questions from reporters. It's spellbinding at times, with Trump clearly in command. It's what he loves, mixing it up with reporters. Sometimes that sparring makes news itself, but even without the drama from reporters, Trump shows himself in command.

Former Vice President Joe Biden has a massive lead over Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), so why the concern over money? President Donald Trump and the GOP continue to swim in money. If Biden wants to compete, he needs the resources. The coronavirus is making it harder for Biden to raise those needed funds.

In his Nevada caucus victory speech, Bernie Sanders rattled off -- before an ecstatic crowd of college-age supporters -- a laundry list of promises: Free public higher education, cancellation of all student loan debt, universal free healthcare, universal "affordable" childcare, minimum $60k per year teacher salaries, and a nationwide $15 per hour minimum wage, among other things. And not just for citizens, but for the "undocumented" as well.