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2020 Democratic Primary Tag

Jane Sanders, the wife of Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), announced the temporary shutdown of The Sanders Institute. The nonprofit think tank, founded by Jane and her son David Driscoll, has come under fire "amid criticism that the nonprofit has blurred the lines between family, fundraising and campaigning."

On Wednesday night, former Democrat Texas Rep. Robert O'Rourke texted KTSM in his hometown of El Paso, TX, to inform the station that he is running for president. O'Rourke made it official on Thursday morning with the launch of his website and video that urged "Americans to look past their differences in order to confront the challenges facing the country."

Sen. Kristin Gillibrand (D-NY), one of the many running for the Democrat nomination for president, has championed herself as a top supporter of the #MeToo movement. But now Politico reported that an aide within Gillibrand's office resigned last summer due to the handling of her sexual harassment complaint against Abbas Malik, one of Gillabrand's top aides.

Former VP Joe Biden hasn't announced yet whether or not he'll jump in as a 2020 presidential candidate, but a growing number of voices are giving him some unsolicited advice: Don't. About a month ago, we learned via the McClatchy news outlet about over two dozen Democratic strategists whose opinions on a possible Biden run weren't exactly glowing. "Not his time" was a common theme among those interviewed.

Michael Bloomberg released a statement Tuesday saying he would not be throwing his hat into the 2020 candidacy ring, but he is launching a new environmental campaign -- Beyond Carbon, which he hopes will result in the shuttering of all coal-fired plants over the next 11 years and the eventual eradication of fossil fuels as an energy source.

Elizabeth Warren's unjustifiable claim to be Native American for employment purposes continues to frame the narrative of her presidential campaign. Call it the Apology Phase. The first phase was the Family Lore Phase. That Phase lasted from late April 2012, when it was first discovered she claimed to be Native American, until the summer of 2018. Warren repeatedly insisted she was Native American based on what her family told her, and anyone who questioned her story was attacking her parents.

A new NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows that President Trump's approval rating is up and that he has strong, sustained support among his base, but it also shows that just four in ten of those surveyed would vote to reelect him next year. The president's approval rating is surprising high given the anti-Trump media and cultural onslaught he has endured since beating Hillary in 2016, but there are warning signs for him heading into 2020, each of which may be mitigated by the conflicting will of Democrat primary voters who want both "aggressive policy positions" and electability in their 2020 presidential candidate.

There has been a concerted effort to portray Amy Klobuchar as a brutal and mean boss who treated her staff poorly. This has the smell of a classic oppo dump, using the media as accomplices. (In case you didn't know, reporters are lazy, and if someone can spoon-feed them some oppo research, they'll run with it with their own 'investigation' as cover.)