2012 Republican Primaries | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 15
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2012 Republican Primaries Tag

Via L.A. Times (h/t reader James), Mitch Daniels will not run for President:Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels said early Sunday that he won't run for president because of family considerations, narrowing the field in the race for the GOP nomination."In the end, I was able to...

I like Michele Bachmann.  I also "liked" her Facebook page, which is surging in popularity.Bachmann is fearless.  Bachmann is target no. 2 for the MSM, the entertainment industry, and left-blogosphere, which mock her as stupid, much as they mock Sarah Palin.  To them, what we need is someone like our brilliant President who plays golf, shoots hoops,...

You know he is in for the treatment.  They reserve the worst for those who threaten their narratives the most.  Already the same writer who recently bashed Sarah Palin at The Atlantic has accused him of running "mildly racist" advertisements while CEO of Godfather's Pizza...

(Originally posted on 5/12/11 but lost in the Big Blogger Blackout of 2011, brought back to life courtesy of the Restore Honor and Sanity (and missing Legal Insurrection posts) Project)(modified to remove video embeds).The interview on Hannity last night almost has me believing.Yes, I know,...

Back in January I asked, So Tell Me About Mike Huckabee.  The comments were not very favorable.I was neutral to favorable on Huckabee.  But it's not a choice.  He announced tonight that his heart is not in it.Now that Huckabee is out, what do you think?Updates -...

KathleenMitch Daniels is down in DC today during his tour of three days "beyond the Hoosier State after the end of Indiana's legislative session, which was capped by Daniels' decision to sign a controversial bill that would cut off federal funding for Planned Parenthood clinics."...

Specifically, tell me about Paul Ryan as a presidential candidate, now that there are murmurings that he may jump in.Why not?  Republicans are going to have to defend the Ryan plan, who better to do it than Ryan.  Someone who conveys a seriousness about policy without being...

I have suggested long ago and again that Mitt Romney's best strategy on Romneycare simply would be to admit it was a mistake, even though honest and serious distinctions could be drawn between Obamacare and Romneycare.  He has not done that, and the political wound...

Tim Pawlenty has hired Lucas Biaino to help spice up Pawlenty's image, according to HuffPo: His job is to make Pawlenty appear larger than life. And he’s good at it.“Lucas can make rather emotionless things emotional, so good for the rap on Pawlenty!” emailed veteran...

Per posts at The Hill and Ben Smith, the Obama administration is playing its usual childish games, this time heaping praise on Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, former Republican Governor of Utah, for the purpose of undermining Huntsman's appeal to Republican voters should Huntsman choose...

I have been addressing in some detail the assertion that Sarah Palin should not be seriously considered by Republican voters because Palin cannot win a general election, so I will not repeat myself.  Admittedly, I have been somewhat narrow in my focus, driven by circumstances that the "can't win" meme...

I wrote yesterday about John Hinderaker's post at Powerline, Sarah Palin for President, Forget About It.While Hinderaker does not respond to my post, he does respond today to a reader letter which made many of the points I made.  Hinderaker's response is a call for realism,...

To read some of the reviews telling Sarah Palin it's over as to any hope of winning a general election, you would think she would be down in the polls versus Obama by an enormous margin, particularly if a poll were taken in the days...

I posted yesterday about Ed Rollins being the latest of the "I knew Reagan" types to use a variation on Lloyd Bentsen's "You're no Jack Kennedy" line against Sarah Palin.Rollins was Mike Huckabee's campaign manager in the 2008 cycle, and guess who Rollins thought was the...

..."To err is human.  I had what at the time seemed like a good idea as to how to expand health care coverage, but it turned out wrong.  I'll take part of the blame, but others who acted beyond my control also share in the blame. ...

One of my theories is that the best chance to defeat Obama in 2012 is to make the election about Obama, not about the Republican candidate.  The Obama record is so abysmal, and the Obama aura so shattered, that 2012 could be a repeat of...