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2012 Election Tag

(Originally posted 5/11/11, but lost in the Big Blogger Blackout of 2011, brought back to life courtesy of the Restore Honor and Sanity (and missing Legal Insurrection posts) Project)Zero tolerance is my position on cheap shots at Sarah Palin from the right. I don't expect people...

Back in January I asked, So Tell Me About Mike Huckabee.  The comments were not very favorable.I was neutral to favorable on Huckabee.  But it's not a choice.  He announced tonight that his heart is not in it.Now that Huckabee is out, what do you think?Updates -...

The appetizer from someone of enormous intellect:"As president, Barack Obama would be a genuine uniter."Now on to the main course:I noted yesterday, to the surprise of many readers, that Obama's 60 Minutes appearance was his best yet, and that the bin Laden killing was Obama's finest...

The vote is in from this weekend's reader poll.The poll asked readers for their opinion as to when Hollywood would release the star-studded major motion picture RAID ON ABBOTTABAD - How Barack Obama and a Team of Navy SEALS Changed the Course of History.BigFurHat even prepared a prototype movie...

Nate Silver at the NY Times, addressing the inevitable question as to how the success of the bin Laden operation helps Obama's electoral chances, does not see a long term electoral advantage arising from the killing of Osama bin Laden:Yes, this is going to help...

Barack Obama's speech at the White House correspondents' dinner last night was small and petty.  Watch it below, and compare it to similar appearances by George Bush.Bush, who was under attack from the media, academia and the entertainment industry on a scale which makes the "birther"...

Right around the time Eric Holder pulls up to a gas pump and sees one of these yellow stickies on it (via Doug Ross):Or one of these (via Facebook, h/t Stop Shouting):--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

Specifically, tell me about Paul Ryan as a presidential candidate, now that there are murmurings that he may jump in.Why not?  Republicans are going to have to defend the Ryan plan, who better to do it than Ryan.  Someone who conveys a seriousness about policy without being...

The conventional wisdom is that Donald Trump is doing damage to Republicans by raising the birth certificate issue.  I think it's way too early to tell, but it is just as likely that Trump is doing major damage to Obama.Obama may be winning in some...

Impecable timing and sources, that's what makes Newsweek a powerhouse in the news business:But all jokes aside, this was a bad day for the MSM.  Oh how they wanted Republicans to nominate someone from Mississippi with a heavy southern accent.Sorry, you'll have to find some...

Here's why.  Despite all the vitriol from the unions and Democrats, Walker is getting Wisconsin's fiscal house in order.From the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (h/t @byronyork)(emphasis mine):The property tax bill on the typical Wisconsin home would rise by less than 1% annually over the next two...

There's not much I can add to Mark Levin's explanation of why Donald Trump does not represent the conservative or Tea Party movements.  He wasn't there when we needed him, and he helped those who were against us.So why the swirling support around Trump?Much of...

Barack Obama promised us hand-to-hand combat, and his speech yesterday was the start.The nation is facing a debt crisis of historic proportions, but nothing will be done because Obama already has launched his presidential campaign.  A compromise must included serious changes to unsustainable entitlements which...

Alexander Burns at Politico argues that Wisconsin in 2011 is a template for what will happen nationally in 2012, a split electorate with a narrow margin of victory:Wisconsin’s contested Supreme Court race has set in motion a drama that’s by now almost painfully familiar. It...

I just don't know how to make it stop.  Update:  On the other hand, maybe this is not a bad thing.  Keep spending to advertise on this blog, you'll really change some minds.  More showing up:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection...

You go guy:“I am writing to let you know that I have just announced my decision to run for the U.S. Senate from the Commonwealth of Virginia in 2012,” Kaine wrote in am email to DNC members today. He called the move “an exciting next...

Obama announced via Twitter that his grassroots campaign will start today, on the eve of his nationwide tour of big money donors so that he can become the first billion-dollar candidate in the history of this country (sorry, that last part wasn't in the announcement).The Obama campaign...