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How Long Before DOJ Forms “Gas Pump Defacing” Task Force?

How Long Before DOJ Forms “Gas Pump Defacing” Task Force?

Right around the time Eric Holder pulls up to a gas pump and sees one of these yellow stickies on it (via Doug Ross):

Or one of these (via Facebook, h/t Stop Shouting):

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How Long Before DOJ Forms "Gas Pump Defacing" Task Force?

Defacing with hate speech.

During wartime.

A serious felony, right, Senator Graham?

sort of runic rhyme | April 29, 2011 at 10:24 pm

Hate speech?? Oh pleease. Although, "No War on Oil!" might be appropriate.

Still, the post-its would be really handy if they also said things like, "eggs, yogurt, salsa, frozen raspberries, cat food."
This is a good one to stick on gas signs and pumps.

I want that graph one on about 100 stickers.