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2010 Election Tag

Sharron Angle admitted that she tries to manage press relations to receive favorable coverage, which is what every candidate tries to do.Outrage! Shock! How Dare She!And not just from the usual suspects.I say:How refreshing! Truth! More please!Now Harry Reid would never make such a mistake....

Sharron Angle has a secret weapon: Keith Olbermann hates her.The video below, in which Olbermann calls Angle the "Worst Person In The World" (start at 1:50) is being used as a fundraising tool for Angle by Mike Pence, as reported by The Hill:Indiana Rep. Mike...

Just yesterday I told you that Harry Reid was beatable.Today The Las Vegas Review Journal has released a new Mason-Dixon poll showing Reid and Sharron Angle in a virtual dead heat, compared to a poll two weeks ago which showed Reid with a 7 point...

Rasmussen released its latest polling results in Nevada, showing Harry Reid up 45-43%. The numbers are almost identical to a recent PPP poll; an earlier Mason-Dixon poll showed Reid with a larger lead.The polls all are consistent in showing that despite the power of incumbency...

There is no better example of the hubris of Harry Reid than his stated intention last weekend at the Netroots convention to push through major agenda items in a lame-duck session (after the November 2 elections, but before the new Congress is seated in January).Listen...

So many of the important decisions of the United States Supreme Court are decided by a single vote.Often that vote is Anthony Kennedy. Not a bad single vote to have, considering the alternatives.What if Kennedy's single vote didn't matter anymore because Kennedy or one of...

No one with credibility is talking about the Nevada Senate race being over despite Sharron Angle's campaign having to start almost from scratch after the primaries.That start has taken time to get going, as Angle did not have a multi-million dollar campaign apparatus in place...

Obamacare as we know it is not enough, Reid to Netroots: "We're Going To Have a Public Option":Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, seeking to console liberal activists who were disappointed by the final version of the national health care law, assured them that there would...

Sharron Angle's campaign finally is rolling out some good television commercials.It took Angle a full month to put together a professional campaign team and operation, since she ran the primary essentially from her living room.That month has given the highly professional -- but abusive --...

We all know, as a matter of historical Harry Reid factoid, that the Iraq war was lost and the surge failed.We now also know, as a matter of historical Harry Reid factoid, that the federal government bailout of GM and Chrysler saved Ford:[youtube=]Reid is more...

Jon Ralston, a Nevada journalist, has announced the death of Sharron Angle's campaign.Do not believe it. Not for a second.I don't know Ralston, other than watching him interview Angle and Harry Reid. My impression is that he is very keyed into Nevada politics, but he...

Harry Reid, having brought you the Stimulus Plan and Obamacare, now is set to push cap-and-trade legislation before Congress goes into recess: Senate and House Democrats are headed for a clash this week over funding for U.S. troops in Afghanistan, as Senate Majority Leader Harry...

Sharron Angle will not be able to match Harry Reid in fundraising, because Reid has used his position as Majority Leader to squeeze big dollars out of Big Pharma and Big Mass Tort Lawyers and all the other Bigs.Reid's campaign pockets are so full of...

Harry Reid now:At a press conference announcing a package of proposals to help small business, the Nevada Democrat said Republicans were obstructing legislation to help the economy for political reasons.“They think the worse the economy is come November, the better they’re going to do election-wise,”...

In response to my post, Harry Reid's Iraq Failure, reader A.W. alerted me to a story which should define the Harry Reid-Sharron Angle race.If you want a good idea at how upset people are with Harry Reid, take a look at the story in The...

It's beginning to feel like the hot August of 2009, again.You can feel it. A growing discontent with the top-down, big government, free-spending, patronizing, arrogant ways of Washington, D.C.If that were all there were, it would merely be another year.What kicked off the hotly debated...

The NAACP just passed a resolution condemning as racist the tens of millions of people who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement.As originally proposed, the resolution was to call upon “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties,...

Harry Reid has a failed record on Iraq for which he never has been held accountable. Reid voted for the war, then falsely claimed he was misled, then tried to defund the war, then declared the war lost, and then stubbornly refused to acknowledge the...