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2010 Election Tag

Rasmussen (h/t HotAir) now shows Sharron Angle tied with Harry Reid:The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in the state shows Democratic Senator Harry Reid and his Republican challenger Sharron Angle tied with 47% of the vote each. Five percent (5%) prefer some...

Ed Driscoll (h/t Instapundit) has put together a list of Harry Reid's Top 10 most disastrous quotes.While a Top 10 list is hard for Reid, I might have included the following:Reid comparing opponents of Obamacare to those who opposed abolition of slavery.Reid calling for an...

The New York Times has a pretty fair article by Adam Nagourney about Sharron Angle, after a pretty fair interview.Sure, I could nitpick some of the characterizations in the article, but it really was pretty fair. None of the John Ralston Geraldo-like grandstanding, or usual...

There really isn't much more to say that hasn't already been said about this video by Emily's List attacking Sarah Palin.Put aside, as Ed Morrissey points out, that the facts in the video are not facts; or as Ace points out, "[i]f Sarah Palin's so...

Looks like Republican opposition researchers finally are getting their act together in countering the Reid campaign machine, as they unearthed video of Harry Reid forcefully arguing against birthright citizenship for children of illegal aliens in 1993.I posted extensively on Reid's non-apology apology the other day.[youtube=]Update:...

On Friday, August 13, I ran a post Coffee Party Grows Cold, highlighting a post on the Coffee Party's website titled Reversing the Coffee Party's decline about how the Coffee Party was in decline.On Saturday night, August 14, Instapundit kindly linked to my post, which...

Amy Gardner, writing in The Washington Post's Post Politics column, has a very fair -- and revealing -- article on Harry Reid's attack machine, and its distorted portrayals of Sharron Angle:All summer long, Reid's small army of young, eager staffers has bombarded Nevada voters with...

Rasmussen just released a poll showing Linda McMahon down 47-40 to Richard Blumenthal. This represents the closed closest poll so far (I think), but more important, shows Blumenthal under 50%:Support for McMahon is unchanged from last month, despite her GOP Primary win on Tuesday. Blumenthal’s...

The latest Mason-Dixon poll, as reported by The Las Vegas Review-Journal, shows that Harry Reid leads Sharon Angle 46-44. This is in line with other polls in the past two weeks showing a virtual dead heat.Since Reid has made his ability to bring home federal...

Harry Reid's entire campaign is centered around painting Sharron Angle and the Tea Pary movement as extremist. But in the opinion of the American public, the extremist is not the Tea Party movement:The American public has a more positive view of the Tea Party movement...

This is rich. Alan Grayson, the buffoon of Democratic Congressmen, wants Robert Gibbs fired, as reported by The Hill: Rep. Alan Grayson (Fla.) Wednesday became the second congressional Democrat to call for White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs' ouster, using colorful moniker to describe him.Gibbs raised...

Harry Reid famously played the race card during the health care debate by comparing those who opposed Obamacare to those who opposed the abolition of slavery.Now he is at it again, this time claiming that no one of Hispanic heritage should vote for a Republican:"I...

I haven't had so much fun since never...

Palin Derangement Syndrome sufferers prove, once again, that they are flat out crazy.These deranged people now are creating a fauxtroversy over whether Sarah Palin -- when contronted with a protester who identified herself as a teacher -- rolled her eyes.Really.Think Progress runs this headline, Palin...

Nothing would surprise me anymore.Some are expecting an "August Surprise" in which Democrats would propose that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac write off hundreds of billions in mortgage debt owed by people who are under water (i.e., they owe more than the house is worth).Call...

Reuters-Ipsos has released a poll showing Harry Reid up 48-44 over Sharron Angle among likely voters. This is 2% higher than the leads shown in very recent Rasmussen, PPP and Mason-Dixon polls.The back up data is not linked in the Reuters-Ipsos release, so it is...