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TaxProf has released the rankings of blogs run by law professors, for the 12 months ending December 31, 2013. Go to Law Prof Blog Traffic Rankings for the full list, including percentage changes from the prior year.  The Top 15 are in the featured image. Plus College...

for the next week celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary in the Dominican Republic, you will be in the able hands of our regular crew (Mandy’s the boss) plus guest blogging by Aleister from College Insurrection and American Glob, and Rusty Weiss from The Mental Recession....

At College Insurrection, we have been covering the case of Rachel Canning, the New Jersey teen who sued her parents for college tuition. Rush Limbaugh just talked about Canning’s supposed Facebook page, “Education for Rachel.” The page contains posts such as this one, decrying the...

College Insurrection posts are often inspired by a pithy synopsis of campus news by Professor Glenn Reynolds (aka Instapundit). So, with great joy, I wanted to share items from a new book featuring his wit, wisdom, and expertise on the subject of higher education, K-12...

One part of my communications with Brown Prof. Naoko Shibusawa has stuck in my mind: “You can quote those two lines. Those only.” Shibusawa is the person featured in my post Tuesday night, Brown U. divestment committee faculty member signed 2009 letter calling Israel Apartheid state. ...

Welcome to your modern American college campus. Where the biggest mouths — almost always left-wing — shout down and shut down voices they don’t like. Today it was NYC Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly. Prior to his appearance on campus, there was a petition drive demanding...

Obamacare contains many racial preferences. But that fact has drawn remarkably little attention, even though the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights concluded back in 2009 that the healthcare bill was racially discriminatory, in two ways. First, Obamacare is filled with “sections that factor in race when awarding billions in contracts,...

It’s the dawn of a new era in TaxProf’s quarterly law professor blog rankings, as he explains, Law Prof Blog Traffic Rankings: Below are the updated quarterly traffic rankings by page views of the Top 50 blogs edited by law professors for the most recent...

We ran this over at College Insurrection last week, but I think it’s worth running again an excerpt from Hen Mazzig, An Israeli Soldier to American Jews: Wake up! As a young Israeli who had just completed five years of service in the IDF, I...

Another really busy weekend. Preparing to #BlameHarryReid. “Why you should read College Insurrection” week 12-year old RI student suspended for small keychain “gun” CBS News buries poll result showing Tea Party support rising Dear Hamilton College Bd. of Trustees, maybe your Diversity Industry is making...

It’s come to this: the White House Twitter account is attempting to drum up support for Obamacare through the “Adorable Care Act,” a meme template featuring cute animals.  While the Obama administration and OFA both deny being behind the associated accounts, the White House takes...

Friday nights and weekends tend to be more active here than one would expect.  But by the time a lot of readers return on Monday, things have moved down or off the home page. Here are some things you might have missed. Video contradicts French...

For event organizers, the definition of failure is when counter-protesters and police outnumber your intended audience. A good example to total event failure was the “Million Muslim March,” which was just a bit shy of its goal…by 999,975 people. And it seems that the event...