for the next week celebrating our 30th wedding anniversary in the Dominican Republic, you will be in the able hands of our regular crew (Mandy’s the boss) plus guest blogging by Aleister from College Insurrection and American Glob, and Rusty Weiss from The Mental Recession.
Three seems to be our number: In 3(0) years we’ve had 3 kids, 3 houses, and 3 dogs. Oh, and this is our 3rd trip to the Dominican Republic.
I need the break. My usual time deficit has grown faster than the national debt.
I may have some prescheduled posts, and who knows, maybe a photo of me on the beach, but otherwise, I’m going to try really hard to see ya later.

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to the full extent allowed by law.
Have a nice trip, professor! We’ll try to behave.
You’ll be putting on a full set of clothes for that picture, right ?
Bon Voyage Professor and Happy Anniversary! 🙂
Know who else had a thing for the number 3?
answer: Nicola Tesla
oops… that would be ‘Nikola’ Tesla
Mazel Tov, Professor! Get ready for the ooohs and aaaahs when you tell people it’s your 30th anniversary. Doesn’t happen too much any more.
OKie Dokie, Professor! Have a good time. Then, work much harder upon your return to sanity to make up for all that vacation frivolity!
Have fun, but don’t forget you’re a white man that’s been cooped up thru a long winter. So, when you go out into the sun….make sure people around you are wearing sunglasses.
The glare could blind them!
A photo of Professor Jacobson on the beach. If you’re in a speedo, I will leave this blog forever.
no speedo selfies Prof 🙂
damned 1%ers taking out of country vacations.
you obviously are not paying your (and my) fair share.
LOL I’ve always wanted to say that 🙂 🙂
Have a wonderful vacation and mazel tov to you and your wife on 30 years of marriage!
Do NOT take a laptop or smart phone!
Awesome. Love the D.R., have a great vacation.
Congratulations and have a nice trip!
Awesome! Have a fabulous vacation and congratulations!
Congratulations and have a great, safe trip!
LukeHandCool (who wonders how she put up with him for 30 years)
30 years! Nice!
I understand the D.R. could use a little in-migration. Glad to see you’re helping a little bit.
Y’all have a good time!
Here’s an experiment for y’all. Try to overstay your time in the DR, become illegal. Do let us know what happens!
Mazal tov Prof and your lady wife. I wish you many more happy years together “until 120”.
Have a wonderful vacation. We’ll make sure to
burn the place downlook after your blog while you’re away. 🙂Congratulations to you and your wife!!!
Yes, a picture of you at the beach would be nice.
Happy Anniversary!!
Travel advice: When in the Dominican Republic do as the Danish do. (See post by William A. Jacobson below).
Congratulations to Professor and Mrs. Jacobson on 30 years of marriage. Hope you both enjoy a wonderful vacation.
Congratulations on 30 years of marriage. I hope you both have an amazing time!
So…. bring on these hot young substitute bloggers from CI…
Congratulations Prof and Mrs. Insurrection!! We are celebrating our 30th anniversary in April tho not in the Dominican Republic – enjoy.
If you lay on a hammock between two palms, make sure they’re not coconut palms. Ouch