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I’m very pleased to welcome long-time reader and commenter (CassandraLite) Joel Engel as a contributor at Legal Insurrection. I’ve met Joel twice, and one thing led to another, and here we are. You may have noticed Joel’s first post earlier today, 2016 May Bring Good...

From reader Michele: My daughter (the passenger) took this picture while we sat in traffic on our way taking her back to college. The picture was taken as we were sitting in traffic going over the Tappan Zee Bridge in NY, on our way to...

As I wrote on Sunday, Democrats are already offering free tickets to Bank of America stadium to see President Obama formally accept the Democratic nomination for President on Thursday, and close out the Democratic National Convention. Now, the Associated Press (h/t Fox News) has confirmed...

Floyd Lee Corkins II, the suspect in Wednesday’s shooting at the Family Research Council, is expected to appear in court Thursday afternoon after authorities filed a criminal complaint earlier this morning. The charges against Corkins include assault with intent to kill, as well as a...

Elizabeth Warren is riding high, raising tens of millions of dollars and serving as the designated warm-up speaker for Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in early September.  But she’s still an ethnic fraud who misappropriated Native American heritage as her own for professional purposes. The...

From reader Desert Viking: Saw this today in the parking lot at Mesa Community College in Mesa, AZ. As I was taking the picture the owner was getting into car. They said that people take pictures and comment on it all the time. While it’s...

First it was the Mayor of Boston who announced his intention to block business permits for Chick-fil-A not because there is any evidence that it discriminates in employment or services, but because its founder and his son (now the President) support keeping the definition of marriage as one man –...

We have had many bumper stickers with the “O” logo, but none so simple and direct as just saying “NO”. From reader Tracy: We took this photo tonight in the middle of the crosswalk linking Davidson College to the Davidson Village Green. Davidson is a...

A reader [see update] sent me the link to the article below which examines the “box checker” phenomenon in college and law school admissions.  I think the same analysis applies with regard to professional advancement in fields where there is enormous pressure to diversify, such as...

It may seem counter-intuitive, but Upstate New York (the NY flyover country) is a key to holding the House, and will form a core of Operation Counterweight.  In 2010, Republicans picked up several seats upstate; redistricting has caused the loss of one upstate seat (and...

Who asked a question. And the MSM is going wild on Twitter. Here’s the offense: The “offender” was Neil Munro from The Daily Caller. Updates: NBC has now given reporter/heckler more coverage than Fast & Furious gunrunning scandal. — Dan Curry (@dancurry) June 15, 2012...

Jews are a core Democratic liberal constituency, except for Orthodox Jews. In the greater New York City area, there is a demographic time bomb for Democrats in the form of a surge in Orthodox Jewish children who now constitute over 60% of all Jewish children in...

There is something pathological in Elizabeth Warren’s refusal to acklowledge that she is not Native American. When confronted with the fact that real Cherokees have traced her maternal lineage back to the great-great-great grandparent level and found no Native American ancestry, Warren ignores the facts...

Signs are popping up all over. From reader Angie: This is not a bumper sticker, but traveling along the coast in southern OREGON, we came upon this rather large sign. The small town seemed to be struggling. Maybe there’s hope. Follow up email from Angie:...