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Fresh off a Supreme Court ruling in the case of McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission, a ruling which struck down overall limits on campaign contributions, the hypocrisy of the Democrat party in New York has been on full display. Sean Eldridge, a congressional candidate in New York’s...

Unsustainable: Scary Chart of the Day Recent Grads Struggle to Find Jobs That Require a Bachelor’s Degree Prediction: How the College Bubble Will Burst Loyola University Trims Deficit by $2 Million Through Faculty Buyouts 2014 Law School Applications Plummet Why Law School Can’t be “Fixed”...

[WAJ intro: Laurel Conrad is a Cornell University Senior. This is her first post at Legal Insurrection. Laurel is President of the conservative Cornell Review, and the Cornell chapter of the Network of Enlightened Women. Laurel interned this summer at The Daily Caller. We look...