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When Indiana primary voters go to the polls on May 8, they should remember that in 2008 Dick Lugar verbally embraced Barack Obama and gave Obama bipartisan cover at a critical time in the campaign, so much so that Lugar became a prominent fixture in Obama...

Piers Morgan interviewed crime writer Patricia Cornwell as to how critical forensics — such as bullet distance and trajectory — will be. Since no one, except perhaps the investigators, has that evidence so far, anyone who is speculating on what happend is just speculating. The...

There are going to be a lot of people beclowning themselves in the rush to judgment to convict George Zimmerman before the facts are known. With every new piece of information, proclamations are made that the information destroys Zimmerman’s claim of self defense, only to...

It has been a bad week for Dick Lugar: But it just got worse. A critical part of Lugar’s campaign narrative is the scare tactic that if Richard Mourdock is the nominee, the seat may be lost to Democrats.  I’ve addressed that argument before, pointing out that...

Greetings from the Lone Star State, where it’s cold and rainy (in Dallas). Because of pre-travel, travel, meetings, etc., I am unable to provide you with the usual searing insight into the human condition, just links: If chanting USA! USA! USA! is racist, what is...

U.S. soldiers who accidentally burned Korans to be charged, ““For the soldiers, it will be serious — they could lose rank.” Feels like a good night for a White House document dump.  Yup, something in the air. Ted Kennedy too conservative for today’s Dem party? ...

What a hack, Jim Talent who was used as Romney hit man on Newt now is going after Rick as well.  Come on, bring back John Sununu. Alan West is being followed Cataloging signature fraud and error on the WI recall. The quote Rick uses in...

I previously posted about Rick Santorum’s endorsement in 2004 of Arlen Specter against a challenge from Pat Toomey, in what was a precursor to the Tea Party v. Establishment fights to come. One of the unintended consequences of Specter’s reelection was that in 2009 Specter switched...

From NBC News: Deadly attacks on Iranian nuclear scientists are being carried out by an Iranian dissident group that is financed, trained and armed by Israel’s secret service, U.S. officials tell NBC News, confirming charges leveled by Iran’s leaders. The group, the People’s Mujahedin of...

While many of us (and I’ll plead guilty as well) have been preoccupied with the primaries, and today with the Mitt and Donald Show, very important hearings were held today on the Fast and Furious scandal. If you don’t think it’s critical to control the...

6:25pm (Exit Poll data statistics) As the polls draw to a close tonight at 7pm, we look first to the exit poll data to get a bit of a feel for how the candidates are lining up. Although it is still to early to make...

Ann, we get it, you support Mitt and you don’t like Newt.  Nothing wrong with that, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But in the quest to sink the U.S.S. Newt, you are becoming a political kamikaze. First, you played the birther card on the entire Tea Party movement,...

Newt Gingrich has picked up the endorsement of New Hamsphire’s largest newspaper, the conservative Manchester Union Leader. This newspaper endorses Newt Gingrich in the New Hampshire Presidential Primary. America is at a crucial crossroads. It is not going to be enough to merely replace Barack...

I have posted numerous times before about the case of Lawrence Connell, the Widener Law School Professor who was placed on one-year unpaid leave and forced to undergo a psychiatric examination as a condition of return. The sanctions imposed by Dean Linda Ammons were so controversial...