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This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: This post originally was going to be a reaction to a post at Jack & Jill Politics regarding Amy Bishop, titled Sometimes White Privilege Just Comes Along and...

In prior posts, I noted that Brown was winning, and then had won, the online war. The statistics reflecting Brown’s online momentum also were the subject of a post recently at WordStream Internet Marketing Blog. In just the past two days, the numbers have become...

The HillBuzz guys warned that the trolls would come out in full force if it looked like Scott Brown was getting close in the polls: We are writing to you as moderate Democrats who fought for Hillary Clinton all through 2007-2008, then became Democrats for...

Martha Coakley is the union candidate in the Massachusetts Senate special election against Scott Brown. During the primaries, SEIU spent $214,000 on advertising in support of Coakley, and is expected to throw more money into the race in the final two weeks. SEIU is organizing...

During the June 2009 protests that rocked Iran over election fraud, the Obama administration was silent for days, then came out and embraced improved relations with the regime in the hope of improving the chances for a negotiated end to Iran’s nuclear weapons program. The...

One idea being floated on the internet is a “National Strike” on January 20, 2010, to protest Obama’s State of the Union address in light of the irresponsible health care legislation and out-of-control spending. I completely sympathize with the emotion behind the idea. But the...

In recent days Democrats started floating the idea of a “Medicare Buy-In” proposal, and as of last night, there appears to be a deal, although the details are not fully known. I addressed the lack of merits in a prior post. What is critical is...

See Update below——————————————- Politico is one of the class acts in internet news to which I link frequently, and Ben Smith is a justifiably respected commentator at Politico. Which is why it pains me to have to point out that yesterday Smith unfairly smeared Robert...

With each passing day, the vapidness of the Obama administration’s foreign policy becomes more clear. Lofty words spoken in the capitals of Europe and the Middle East were just words. From the warm embrace of the bully Hugo Chavez, to the cynical mixed-messages on the...

“There are lies, damned lies, and statistics.” So it is said. We now have reached stage three of the Sotomayor debate, because we are into statistical analysis of her opinions and dissents. First, some backdrop on statistics as relates to Supreme Court nominees. During the...

Texas Governor Rick Perry said that he doesn’t think Texas should secede from the U.S. Here is Perry’s quote: We got a great Union. There’s absolutely no reason to dissolve it, but if Washington continues to thumb their nose at the American people, you know,...

The left-wing group Think Progress is complaining of Conservatives Holding Up Increasing Number Of Key Obama Nominees. According to the post: Conservatives in Congress and in the media are attempting to block or delay a growing number of critical nominees for what amount to ideological...