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There’s something Bill Maher understands. What goes around comes around. Media Matters and Think Progress can organize a campaign to attack Rush Limbaugh’s advertisers as a means — they hope — of forcing him off the air.  But what goes around comes around. And it will....

Liberal groups have seized on a strategy I didn’t think would be effective, but has had some success, to go after advertisers of prominent conservative media personalities. Media Matters explicitly seeks to bring down Fox News and investigate its executives, and Fox News advertisers have...

Oprah’s worth $1.5 billion.  Think how many struggling artists that could feed. Shakina Nayfack, featured in The Daily News complaining about his student debt, made the following comment in response to my post Another Occupy Wall Street poster child who is not: …. Occupy Wall Street...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: Some prominent white liberals, in this case Bill Maher and Michael Moore, are pretty quick to portray conservatives and particularly Tea Partiers as racist. But in fact, it...

I know that you realize it, but this is a two-front political war. I have read some profoundly stupid commentary on the right about Christine O’Donnell, pronouncing O’Donnell’s campaign dead because of a sophomoric series of appearances in the 1990s on Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher....