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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



One of the ways that the right explains their ideological differences from the left is that the right is realistic about human nature while the left is, on the one hand, too idealistic in its push for perfect citizens in their utopian fantasy and, on the other, ruthless in its "reeducation" interment and even the mass murder of those who don't meet their utopian ideals.

The State of Missouri, through its Attorney General Eric Schmitt, has sued the government of China, the Communist Party of China, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and several other Chinese entities over the damage from the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. You can read the Complaint here. I'd like to see the government of China and the officials responsible for the cover-up, concealment, and lies that allowed what could have been a local issue to spread around the world, pay for what they did. I doubt this lawsuit will achieve that goal.

News about North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un's possible demise blew up social media on Monday night when CNN first reported that a source told the network Kim was in "grave danger" after surgery. MSNBC's Katy Tur tweeted (then deleted) Kim is brain dead. South Korea responded that Kim is perfectly fine. What is going on in the hermit kingdom?

The last time we checked in on the dysfunctional Israel elections, it looked like Bibi Netanyahu's Likud Party had won a sweeping election -- the third in a year -- which would allow it to put together a right-wing coalition government. BUT WAIT, then the exit polls were off and the actual results still had Likud in the lead, but without the ability to put together a ruling coalition. A majority of Knesset members said they would back Blue-and-White challenger for Prime Minister Benny Gantz, leading Israel's President to give Gantz the 'mandate' to form a government....

Never let a crisis go to waste! Americans have died and continue to suffer under an economic shutdown due to the Wuhan coronavirus. Illinois Senate Democrats decided to use the crisis as a way to receive federal aid, but not for the people of the state. They want federal aid to bail them out of their financial crisis caused by useless spending and bloated government.

As far as political videos go, this one is pretty funny. Monday morning, Trump tweeted a video (not a product of his official re-election campaign) which shows "Obama" and a few other guys watching a game. During the commercial break, clips of Biden at his weirdest, the guys look at "Obama" who shrugs and goes, "what?" Obama's head is clearly superimposed on another's body in what was originally an Allstate ad.

Brooklyn bar owner Joe Joyce passed away on April 9 of the Wuhan coronavirus. Ginia Bellafonte at The New York Times tried so hard to blame Fox News (specifically Sean Hannity) for Joyce's death because he went on a cruise on March 1. Supposedly Joyce decided to go ahead with his plans because Hannity downplayed the virus. The hatred for Fox News blinded Bellafonte because she made two basic mistakes, which caused her editors to fix her piece. Oh, they did not add an "editor's note" at the bottom. The two problems: Joyce went on his cruise on March 1, but Bellafonte quoted remarks from Hannity on March 8. Bellafonte forgot she didn't take the virus seriously around the same time.