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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Sen. Amy Klobuchar came under fire on Wednesday when a report revealed that back in 2006 she did not prosecute the policeman who allegedly murdered George Floyd. Kemberlee noted that she blew her chance to become Biden's VP. But the left and right came out in full force on social media, dragging Klobuchar through the burning coals for her horrible decision.

New York Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo is trying so hard to deflect blame away from him after so many elderly people died in nursing homes from the Wuhan coronavirus. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services Administrator (CMS) Seema Verma said Cuomo cannot blame Trump for forcing nursing homes to take in coronavirus patients because it goes against federal guidelines.

Last we reported, while you were focused on the pandemic, Mitch McConnell kept moving judicial nominees through the Senate confirmation process, with an eye on filling every vacancy by November. If Republicans lose the presidency or the Senate, the ability to transform the judiciary for a generation will be lost notwithstanding substantial success in the first term confirming judges. Appeals courts arguably are the most important because the Supreme Court takes so few cases, and Trump is about to run out of appeals court vacancies. CBS News reports:

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has notified Congress that the United States no longer considers Hong Kong autonomous from Communist China, paving the way for Washington to revoke the specialized trade and financial status it enjoys since coming under Beijing's rule in 1997.