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More dumbed-down talk about the Constitution from Tea Parties liberal columnists, this time Amanda Terkel (formerly of Think Progress) writing at HuffPo with the headline: Scalia: Women Don’t Have Constitutional Protection Against Discrimination Gee, Scalia must hate women. Except that the headline is a good example...

Following up on my Official Predictions and Not Predictions for 2011, I have put together, with input from readers, Legal Insurrection’s Official New Year’s Resolutions. Actually, it comes down to just a single resolution, as follows: To keep up the fight against a seemingly unstoppable expansion of government...

I am trying to take this advice, offered by a regular reader, to heart (emphasis mine): “Professor Jacobson, A long time ago my grandfather gave me some very good advice I often follow, but not all the time, due to my competitiveness. I am sure...

Alfred Kahn has passed away.  As you travel during the holidays, shopping around for cheap airfares, you have Kahn to thank.  Kahn, a Professor at Cornell, was responsible for deregulating the airline industry. I realize all you kids think airfare competition always has been a...

That’s the title of a post by Law Professor Stephen Bainbridge about Economics Professor Brad DeLong, of U.Cal Berkeley, in which Bainbridge collects links about DeLong from a variety of academic bloggers who have had the misfortune of having to deal with DeLong. I really...

Today we’re running a guest column from Michael Alan, a freshman in Cornell’s school of Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR). Michael is a contributor to the Cornell Review, and hails from Lewisburg, PA. The Albany Times-Union reported last week that the records from NY Governor...

Merry Christmas to my readers.  Enjoy the day while, once again, I defend the internet for you! Here are some thoughts for the day, in no particular order: Self-fulfilling prophecy.  Charles, we get it, the lame duck was not good, but your repeated columns about the...

When I first came to Ithaca, I knew I’d be in a liberal college town. I was fine with that, after all, I was coming from the most liberal college city (New York, NY). Amidst all the “fair trade” (what was unfair about trade in...

I have written many times before about the risks of organizing a boycott, and I have detailed the many boycotts which have failed in the last two years. The “National Opt-Out Day” protest, in which air travelers were to opt out of the full body...

One of the mysteries of political life is why the Democrats insist on playing class warfare even though the tactic has not worked in multiple elections (Virginia, New Jersey, Massachusetts, the November mid-terms) since Obama’s election. A study, Inequality and the Dynamics of Public Opinion: The...

As a disclaimer, I promise this is my last post on the TSA. Senator Jay Rockefeller, a champion of the freedom of expression, has joined the ranks of bureaucratic geniuses who believe the TSA is the bee’s knees.* TSA chief John Pistole received assurance from...

On Thursday evening the Cornell speaker series entitled “Freedom & Free Societies” hosted Richard Fontaine. Fontaine is probably best known for being John McCain’s foreign policy advisor for about five years, including 2008, but he also boasts a post at the Center for a New...

In response to my post calling out leftist Jewish bloggers for stoking charges of dual loyalty againt American Jewish supporters of Israel, M.J. Rosenberg of Media Matters (one of the bloggers mentioned in my post) tweets that I’m just a tribalist: Pathetic. ——————————————–Follow me on...

As you know, I’ve been a little out of pocket the past couple of days hanging out at the hospital.  Nice to see that things have remained calm in my absence. My wife had some surgery at a wonderful hospital in Boston with an equally wonderful surgeon.  I...

As I’ve discussed with readers many times in the past, I frequently think about the direction in which to take this blog.  For the most part reader feedback has been “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it,” and I’ve taken that feedback to heart. No flashing lights...

The mainstream media and blogosphere have erupted because in a radio debate Christine O’Donnell appeared to dispute whether “separation of church and state” was required by the First Amendment.  (O’Donnell’s campaign walked back the position after the debate, saying O’Donnell merely meant that the words...

Because any debate moderated by the MSM is going to be a game of gotcha directed at the Republican candidate.  I just can’t stand to watch these things anymore. And so it appears I was right.  Jim Geraghty, who was no Christine O’Donnell fan during...