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My interview on Fox News Radio: "I've been warning for a while that this was a crescendo of vitriol, a crescendo of intimidation, and there is a significant likelihood of violence. I'm not saying it's going to happen, but the frustration you're seeing, it's almost cult-like chanting. If you look at videos of people at Cornell chanting last year, it's very cult-like, and it's beyond reason."

My appearance on Fox and Friends talking about recent anti-Israel hooliganism on Cornell's campus: "This is a cultural problem on the campuses.... It's a culture on the campus that encourages anti-Americanism, encourages antisemitism, encourages anti-westernism.... There are faculty members who egg this on and who act as advisors on this."

"The presidential statement reflects some variation on Stockholm Syndrome, lauding students assisted by faculty who took the campus hostage with bullhorns in study areas, marches including genocidal chants directed at Israeli Jews, vandalism of university property, and even putting Pollack on mock trial for complicity in genocide The encampment was only the final act in a months-long campus siege.

My Op-Ed in The NY Post: "The July 2020 DEI initiative was a colossal mistake that cannot be tweaked around the edges. It must be removed wholesale, weeded out root and branch."

"This is a unity rally, but it's not just a unity rally for Jews, and it's not just a unity rally for Israel. There's a reason we have Israeli and American flags on this stage, it's because we stand for civilization against true barbarians who are looking to tear us down... So this is not just a Jewish unity rally, it's an American unity rally and we can never forget that. "

“I will be attending and speaking at the rally to show my support for Jewish students on campus, many of whom feel abandoned by the administration and faculty. Now more than ever, it is important to show students they are not alone, and that there are faculty who are willing to stand with them in this difficult time."