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Spotted by a student reader of LI in a Cornell parking lot:

As I mentioned yesterday, Ying Ma came back to Cornell last night to present her take on “Chinese state capitalism.” I took notes on the presentation: Basic overview: In the 1990s, China had an acrimonious relationship w. US. Politicians and commentators were constantly complaining about...

Over at the DailyBeast, Stefan Theil has a really great write-up about rich nations interacting with poor nations, using a comparison of Texas/Louisiana/Florida & Greece/Italy/Spain.   Imagine 27 Barack Obamas and John Boehners trying to get a debt and banking crisis under control. That, in...

As Professor Jacobson wrote on Saturday,  the Herman Cain SuperPAC is running this race-card-playing ad. Other GOP commentators, especially Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh, have also been making statements along these lines.  This is wrong, especially coming from solid conservative voices. To play the race...

The Ithaca “Can Man” no longer can make a living, as reported by The Cornell Sun: Joel Harlan — whose assistant calls him the “Can Man” — has collected empty cans and bottles from Cornell’s fraternities, as well as other locations in Ithaca and around...

I participated in a debate last night at Cornell sponsored by Students for Education Reform to encourage an exchange of ideas on education policy. I was on the libertarian panel, which was wedged between the College Democrats and Republicans. It was a fairly heated debate:...

Today marks fifty years since a massacre swept the streets — not in the maghreb region of north Africa, but in the streets of Paris:  A number of events were held on Monday to remember the violent deaths of up to several hundred anti-war demonstrators...

I attended the Occupy Ithaca rally today, which was scheduled as a mass peaceful demonstration starting at noon outside a Bank of America branch in downtown Ithaca As of 12:30 p.m., when I dropped by, there were about a dozen people holding signs.  I kind...

There have been over 200 bumper sticker posts since the first post on June 24, 2010. We have covered the 1st, 2nd and 10th Amendments numerous times, but never the 3rd Amendment.  You know, the one that says, umm, you know, yeah I took Con...

Check out the Cornell Chronicle article about my Tea Party talk, Law professor’s talk on the Tea Party triggers heated debate. Could they possibly have picked a worse photo?  Thankfully, they didn’t serve corn dogs at the event. Related Posts:  “… like Thomas Paine and other...

You want to see me spike the football so hard the earth will shake harder than in the D.C. Earthquake? You have not seen anything like what will take place here if Janis Kelly, Republican and unabashed Tea Party supporter, is elected Mayor of Ithaca. ...

from overseas to the U.S.A. Good afternoon, all! I’m back from my summer at The Wall Street Journal Europe where I interned as a Bartley Fellow. I’m now in my senior year at Cornell & I will try to post here as much as I can...

As you know, I have been following the case of Widener Law School Professor Lawrence Connell for several months. Connell claimed that he was singled out by two students for false accusations of racism and sexism, and that the Widener administration backed the students without bothering...

Thanks to reader and Cornell grad Nancy who spotted this vehicle at the Dogfish Head Brewing and Eats in Rehoboth, Delaware:   Yes, everything does seem better in the Happy Valley: