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Some more thoughts on the Obama Afghanistan speech, the morning after. I understood why Obama wanted to go to West Point to give the speech. It would show that he had the courage to give the speech directly to soldiers whose lives would be on...

“A camel is a horse designed by a committee.” That’s the feeling I had listening to Obama’s speech tonight about his military designs for Afghanistan. The speech followed pre-speech reports of Obama’s plan. There were no substantive surprises, but Obama seemed truly moved by the...

Maurice Hinchey is the Congressman whose district includes Ithaca, NY, where I live during the school year. Hinchey is as “out there” as they come. Hinchey led an effort to impeach George W. Bush in the Summer of 2008, when Bush was just a few...

Democrats have a thrill running up their legs because health care economist Jonathan Gruber of MIT has proclaimed that private insurance policies “in the non-group market” will cost $200-$500 less if Harry Reid’s plan becomes law. The analysis is rudimentary. Gruber merely takes the CBO...

Obama’s new Afghanistan strategy, to be announced formally next week, centers around the phrase “finish the job.” That is an interesting concept. Seems simlar to “peace with honor,” a very Nixonian phrase signaling that we will claim one thing (the dreaded “V” word) while accepting...

The Kentucky state police announced that the death of Bill Sparkman was an elaborate suicide made to look like a murder so that Sparkman’s son could collect on his insurance policy. Robert Stacy McCain has all the details and updates. I’ll let others delve into...

The other day, when the news of “hacked” e-mails from a British climate institute hit the internet, I wrote Why The “Hacked E-Mails” Don’t Interest Me, Yet. In the post, I noted that I did not have the time to devote to the hacked e-mails...

I’ve spent some time going through Harry Reid’s 2,074 page health care restructuring bill. If you read the dozens of prior posts regarding prior versions, you pretty much know the story. There are many good analyses of the tax and other aspects, so read up....

Harry Reid wants a Saturday night vote to open debate in the Senate on Reid’s 2,074 page attempt to restructure the health care system. What will the Senator then do? Actually start debate? No, they will leave for the Thanksgiving break. So what’s the hurry?...

Chuck Schumer defends Obama’s decision to try 9/11 subjects in civilian court in lower Manhattan. But Schumer was against it (via HotAir and Washington Times) in 2001, using words which explained the lack of logic to a civilian trial for the planners of the 9/11...

As reported by AP: John J. O’Connor III, the husband of retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, has died. The court said that O’Connor, 79, died Wednesday in Phoenix, Ariz., of complications arising from Alzheimer’s disease. John O’Connor, himself a lawyer, was diagnosed with...

Hey Selma, this should make you happy. Rasmussen reports that Obama is down to -10% on the strong approve/disapprove index, and his overall approval is down to 46%: The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Wednesday shows that 30% of the nation’s voters Strongly...

Barbara Boxer (D-Ca) is proclaiming she has enough votes in the Senate to block the equivalent of the Stupak Amendment from being attached to any Senate health care bill. Ok, then what? The only reason the House was able to pass a health care bill...

You just knew this had to rear its head on the 20th anniversary of the Berlin Wall. The anti-Israel left is demanding Mr. Netanyahu, Tear Down This Wall: On the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Western leaders are full of self-congratulation....

It is not a good thing to jump to conclusions when there is a shooting, at least on the issue of whether the shooting was a mere crime or terrorism. On Thursday, I cautioned against jumping to the conclusion that Nidal Hasan was motivated by...

Bruni de la Motte explains in The Guardian why East Germans were better off before the Berlin Wall fell: On 9 November 1989 when the Berlin Wall came down I realised German unification would soon follow, which it did a year later. This meant the...

Great line from Michael Steele while going at it with Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine (who also is Chair of the Democratic National Committee) on ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos” a few minutes ago. After Kaine crowed snidely about how Democrats have delivered on their...