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A slow awakening of our reality is sinking in on many fronts. One of those realities is that we have moved ever more drastically from a nation led by doers to a nation led by non-doers. Some formulate this as The Doers vs. The ‘Thinkers’...

Consumer Reports has decided to weigh in on the health care debate in favor of the Democratic health care proposals, or what CR euphemistically calls “health care reform.” Having decided to take sides, I think it is fair to hold CR to the standards it...

Until I started reading stories about Barack Obama’s failure in Copenhagen, I didn’t realize just how pathetic were the arguments used in support of Chicago as the 2016 Summer Olympic venue. In short, Obama and Chicago played the diversity card, but got out-diversified, and in...

Think Progress, the Democratic media-watch and policy group, always tries to blame conservatives for everything, including now the loss of the Olympics for Chicago: Mission Accomplished For Conservatives Who Rooted Against America. I doubt that the Olympic committee listened to any conservative U.S. voices. And...

Consumer Reports, published by Consumers Union, is a valuable tool when trying to figure out which is the best washing machine, most reliable automobile, or most powerful drill. By staying out of politics, and not seeming to have a dog in any fight other than...

Sometime early yesterday morning, I received my one millionth visit. Eleven months and two weeks after my first post on October 12, 2008. I hope the first million is the hardest. It has been mostly fun, but not easy. When I started this blog, I...

My Congressman, Patrick Kennedy (D-RI), knows a lot about the importance of the privacy of medical records, having spent most of his adult life in and out of drug and alcohol rehabilitation. Yet Patrick is a hard line Democrat when it comes to government control...

I haven’t paid much attention to the upcoming 2010 Census, until the recent death of part-time Census worker Bill Sparkman, whose death under unclear circumstances is being shamelessly exploited by left-wing blogs. I went to the Census website, and took a look at the questions...

This story has not received enough play, and has been lost in the shuffle of Obama’s UN and G-20 appearances. The Senate Joint Committee on Taxation is considering the tax aspects of proposed Democratic health care bills. Republican Senator John Ensign has revealed that the...

Big news in Britain. If you move, you no longer have to drop your physician. Why would you have to drop your physician, you ask. Because in Britain’s nationalized health system, doctors are rationed by geographic area and restricted to serving people in that area....

Chris Matthews is on Hardball right now making the argument that the assassination of John Kennedy was the result of right wing hate speech which incited people to violence. Even though Lee Harvey Oswald was an avowed communist who lived previously in the Soviet Union....

The increasingly hysterical use of the the race card by liberal columnists, bloggers and politicians reflects the last gasps of people who, being unable to win an argument on the merits, seek to end the argument. While the false accusation of racism is not a...

This video (h/t Tim Blair) carries a certain satisfaction. It shows the premature detonation of a roadside IED, taking out the bad guys planting the devide before the good guys had to fire a shot. That alone makes it worth posting. But listen to the...

Oliver Willis compares Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty’s statement that Pawlenty would consider whether the 10th Amendment allows a state to opt out of a potential federal health care plan with to George Wallace standing in the doorway to bar blacks from the University of Alabama....

With the politics which seems to dominate all our lives, it is easy to lose sight of what matters most. This afternoon the Cornell University community lost one of our undergraduate students to swine flu. As the father of three college-age students, my heart goes...

There was a shocking lack of respect displayed at Barack Obama’s health care speech last night. President Obama spent most of his speech calling opponents of Democratic health restructuring plans liars. South Carolina Congressman Joe Wilson called Obama a liar in response. A shocking lack...

This is the seventh* and last of a series of posts analyzing randomly selected provisions in HR3200, the House Democratic health care restructuring bill. The hope is that through random selection of pages from the House Bill, using the dartboard method, some light will be...