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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Seattle Mayor Jenny Durkan downplayed the six-block autonomous zone in the city on CNN last night after President Donald Trump demanded she restore order to the city. Durkan claimed the zone is "not an armed takeover" and "more like a block party." Yet, the police chief said their "calls for service have more than tripled." Videos show tension within this zone.

I appeared last night on the Laura Ingraham show to talk about my post, There’s an effort to get me fired at Cornell for criticizing the Black Lives Matter Movement. Much of the conversation turned on a Statement issued late yesterday afternoon by Cornell Law School Dean Eduardo M. Peñalver defending my academic freedom and stating that no disciplinary action would be taken, but otherwise condemning me.

The decision of police officers to take a knee based on heckling from the woke mobs is obviously an individual one.  We've seen New York City's top uniformed cop take a knee, and most of us cringed.  We've seen cops washing the feet of black "faith leaders," and most of us cringed.  Likewise, we cheer when a police officer asserts that he kneels for no one but God.

There is an effort underway to get me fired at Cornell Law School, where I've worked since November 2007, or if not fired, at least denounced publicly by the school. Ever since I started Legal Insurrection in October 2008, it's been an awkward relationship given the overwhelmingly liberal faculty and atmosphere. Living as a conservative on a liberal campus is like being the mouse waiting for the cat to pounce.