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I’ve railed against the racket that higher education has become on this page before. I think more people should be able to abstain from going to college and I think the government should stop “helping” students. That being said, I also think Rick Santorum’s populist...

Earlier this week I had the pleasure of sitting in on a lecture given by Dr. Richard Baer, professor emeritus of environmental ethics and education, at an event hosted by the Cornell Republicans. Baer spoke at length about how, in their rush to ensure that they’re not promoting...

There’s another “victim” of Rush Limbaugh, according to Adam Clark Estes at The Atlantic Wire, Rush Limbaugh’s Latest Verbal Victim Feels Derided, Dismissed: Less than a week after calling Sandra Fluke a “slut” on the air, Rush Limbaugh ran his mouth again on Tuesday, calling...

I guess the comparison to Obama was inevitable, and NBC goes full “deja vu” on the new Mayor of Ithaca, Svante Myrick. I wouldn’t pigeonhole him yet; he ran an insurgent campaign against the entrenched Ithaca Democratic political establishment and also defeated the designated Progressive candidate.  He won...

It’s been a few days since I returned to Ithaca from my now-annual trip to CPAC with the Cornell College Republicans and, while I can’t help but think I wasn’t at the same conference as Erick Erickson, it was a great opportunity to meet other...

What a hack, Jim Talent who was used as Romney hit man on Newt now is going after Rick as well.  Come on, bring back John Sununu. Alan West is being followed Cataloging signature fraud and error on the WI recall. The quote Rick uses in...

I had the pleasure a couple of weeks ago of meeting with Anne Sorock and Yvonne Ralsky, co-founders of The Fontier Lab. The Frontier Lab, among other things, utilizes “deep values research” common in consumer products marketing analysis (Anne is a Cornell Business School graduate who concentrated...

Or not.  But now that Maurice “Red” Hinchey is retiring, you may want to bookmark these images. Thanks to a Cornell student reader for this photo:

Happy 2012, everyone! I just started my final semester at Cornell, which promises to be exciting. Before I delve into current events, I thought I would take my first post back to recap my winter break in south east Asia. I spent one week in...

My name is Louis Lombardi and this is my first post on Legal Insurrection. I am a graduate of Penn State University and my introductory post is on the passing of legendary football coach Joe Paterno. You can get a complete biography of me by clicking on my name in...

I knew that my position on Bain Capital would fray some relationships in the conservative blogosphere, but this post by Don Surber took me by surprise, Why Republicans Oppose Capitalism: Newt and Rock Perry are trying to divide the party in a way I never imagined. I thought...

As you know, I knew this day would come.  The only question was whether it would be early enough in the primaries to make a difference, too late in the primaries, or in the general election. But the day surely was to come when Mitt Romney’s years...

Commenter Taxpayer1234 mentioned yesterday that s/he had written a graduate school paper on conservative political blogs, and s/he was kind enough to forward it to me. Three blogs were the focus of the paper, Legal Insurrection, Ace of Spades HQ, and The Other McCain.  Remember, everything...

The Best Bumper Sticker of the Year, Worst Bumper Sticker of the Year and Best Tweet of the Year competitions have left me on the verge of blogger burnout, but I soldier on, because that’s just the way I am.  And the internet never stops. The Worst...

The government is not shutting down at midnight.  So here’s some more stuff: Incandescent light bulb ban not banned, but not really going into effect. Rich Lowry, Applying while Asian.  Commenter LukeHandCool made a similar point on the Tip Line earlier this month. Newt has...

Dr. Melissa Clouthier writing about An Indictment Of Right Leaning Journalism By Ben Domenech: Here’s the nutshell: The Left-leaning journalism investigates the right. The Right-leaning journalism provides commentary and (and Ben doesn’t say this, but I am) when they do rarely investigate, investigates the right after...

I have been warned almost since I started blogging that one of these days I would show up on University of Chicago Law School Professor Brian Leiter’s radar and that his world-renowned pettiness and nastiness would be visited upon me. But at least I’m in...