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Long saga of Jeremy Hammond, self-described anarchist, comes to an end. Jeremy Hammond, a notorious hacker and anarchist from the Chicago area, pleaded guilty this morning to hacking charges in a New York courtroom under the terms of a plea agreement. Hammond was initially charged in...

Update — see post-hearing analysis at bottom of post. ——————– At a hearing today, the Judge in the George Zimmerman case granted the prosecution’s motion to exclude all mention of Trayvon Martin’s social media use, including images and text relating to fighting and marijuana use....

The EU’s arms embargo on the Syrian conflict — which effectively meant an arms embargo on the rebels — expired tonight after there was no agreement reached to extend it. This means that arms can be sent to rebels, although it’s unclear if that will...

I mentioned the other day how the fight in Syria wasn’t going quite as easily as many predicted for Hezbollah, with it suffering heavy losses even trying to take a modestly-sized border city, Will Qusayr be Hezbollah’s Stalingrad? As of the latest reports, rebels are...

Do you remember the Saturday Night Live skit The Adventures of Miles Cowperthwaite? Captain Ned: [ interrupting ] That’s enough, Miles.. [ Miles sits ] Now, men, I run a mans’ ship. I will run it in a manful and masculine way! I will tolerate...

Lois Lerner famously purported to invoke the 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination yesterday while appearing before Congress. A number of people have reached out to me to ask me to write about it.  Unfortunately, it’s outside my area of experience and I don’t have time...

An article today at The Tower discloses a rough, handdrawn map allegedly by Mahmoud Abbas, refecting a peace offer extended by Ehud Olmert when he was Prime Minister of Israel, EXCLUSIVE: The Deal the Palestinians Rejected, The History That Was Never Made: In a stunning...

The FBI said early Wednesday that it was reviewing a fatal shooting incident in Orlando, Florida in which an individual being questioned by law enforcement in connection with the Boston bombings and an unsolved 2011 triple homicide had engaged in a “violent confrontation” with law...

Erdogan ♥s Ocalan? Last week Soner Cagaptay and James Jeffers asked Can Obama Save Turkey From a Syrian Quagmire? in the New York Times: The Syrian war has also awakened Turkey’s once dormant Marxist militant groups. These groups vehemently oppose any government policies they see...