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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



About 1.434 million Americans filed unemployment claims last week as states issue another shutdown due to spikes in coronavirus cases. The GDP also crashed to a 32.9% annualized rate, which is the biggest drop on record. Overall, the GDP dropped 9.5% between the first and second quarters. But we have to remember the GDP report contains numbers between March and June. It doesn't tell us what is happening now or tomorrow.

While the world focuses on the COVID pandemic and China's shenanigans, a potential conflict has been brewing between Ethiopia and Egypt involving the waters of the Blue Nile. This month, Ethiopia completed the initial filling of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD), a nearly $5 billion hydroelectricity project. The country plans to fill the rest of the dam over the next five years, a prospect that worries downstream Egypt, which depends on the Nile for freshwater.

Joe Biden said today that he would announce his choice of running mate next week. Politico appears to have jumped the gun, explaining in an article why Biden chose Kamala Harris, a detail they quickly deleted and then updated. Luckily, some people on Twitter caught the detail before it was changed.

Inside Higher Ed provides pretty thorough and good coverage of, ahem, higher ed. I don't visit it daily, generally when there's some issue that pops up. I have found their comment section to be relatively sane, *relatively* being the key word. So I was surprised when I just noticed that Inside Higher Ed shut down its comment sections as of July 1, 2020:

As Black Lives Matter agitators have become more hostile and aggressive over the last couple of months, we've seen more and more of them taking over city streets and highways. Not just for march-throughs but for stationary "protests" that last for hours, and in some cases days and even weeks as we saw in Seattle with the CHAZ/CHOP occupation.