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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Tuesday afternoon, the USPS Postmaster General Louis DeJoy released a statement saying he'll postpone any substantial operational changes until after the election.


In 2016, Trump narrowly lost Minnesota. In 2020, he is clearly making a play for the typically blue state. He delivered a speech there on Monday. Recent polls are showing that he definitely has a chance to win the state.

I've been off the grid for the last three days. Intentionally so. I was very busy attending a Cinderella birthday party (5 out of 5 stars, would do again). When I popped open my laptop last night to prepare the blog for the morning I found that the Democrats and political media world had concocted what has to be THE lamest Trump attack yet -- attacking the... postal service?

During an interview on MSNBC, Democrat Rep. and "squad" member Ayanna Pressley suggested the public target GOP officials who are continue to "carry water" for the Trump administration and further suggested "there should be unrest in the streets as long as there's unrest in our lives." Is that not literally incitement?

These aren't protesters, they're a violent mob. In Portland, the Black Lives Matters mob caused a truck to crash. The driver was drug out of the car, beaten unconscious while his wife was attacked, punched, and tackled to the ground. The mob called the driver the N-word, while beating him. According to recent reports, the driver remains unconscious.

The United Arab Emirates has hit back at Tehran over threats made by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) following a peace agreement reached by the country with Israel.

A CNN poll conducted by SSRS released this morning has Democrats freaking out, showing that Joe Biden's national lead has narrowed by 10% in the past month, and now is down to 4%. And that's among "registered voters" not "likely voters" so enthusiasm for Trump, which has exceeded Biden in most polls, isn't a factor.

I had heard of Charles Negy, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Central Florida (UCF). What I heard seemed like a particularly egregious example of cancel culture that is purging academia and imposing uniformity of opinion, particularly with regard to the Black Lives Matter movement. Having looked into it more, it's worse than I realized.

On Saturday, I wrote about the Hollyweird Post Office freak out about the USPS replacing some mailboxes in Oregon.  The conspiracy theory apparently goes that President Trump is trying to "steal" the election by removing—and then replacing—mailboxes in Oregon.  Or something.

The left pretends that it is all about compassion and empathy, that it's pure of heart and overflowing with good intentions and tolerance.  Anyone who watches them in action, though, knows better and is disgusted by them. The latest example is the outpouring of—in the words of one Twitter user—"hate, revenge, wrath and immaturity" at the news that President Trump's younger brother, Robert, passed away.