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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Professor Greg Patton teaches at University of Southern California's Marshall School of Business. During a recent online lesson, he spoke about how different words can sound in different languages. Without any apparent harmful intent, he pointed out how something sounds in Chinese, and some people heard a racist word. He has since been placed on temporary leave.


St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson and her husband moved to a nearby apartment nearly two months ago due to the numerous protests after the death of George Floyd. Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler announced he started looking for a new place to live after his city has seen over 85 straight nights of riots.

When Kenosha erupted in flames, it wasn't that the actions of the rioters were so different than in other cities across America. Unfortunately, it's become the new business-as-usual, because we've grown accustomed to seeing much the same things happen in deep blue (i.e. leftist) cities such as Seattle, Portland, and Chicago.

Democrats believed, for some unfathomable reason, that months of rioting, looting, arson, vandalism, assault, and murder in Democrat-controlled states and cities would somehow be a winner for them in the 2020 election.  "Unexpectedly," the American people are appalled by the on-going rioting and violence, and as a result, support for Joe Biden, the Democratic Party, and Black Lives Matter are all slipping.

French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo has reprinted the Mohammed cartoons as the trials for the 2015 Islamic terror attack begins at a Paris court this week. "We will never lie down. We will never give up," magazine's editor Laurent "Riss" Sourisseau wrote in its latest edition.

The Commission on Presidential Debates announced Chris Wallace from Fox News would moderate the first debate between President Donald Trump and Joe Biden. It will take place on September 29. Wallace will finally get to interview Biden. He mentioned in July how he has been trying to get the candidate on his show, but the campaign says Biden is not available.

Police in Portland began an investigation into Michael Forest Reinoehl, 48, over the death of a conservative man on Saturday after a rally in support of President Donald Trump. The Oregonian published an article about Reinoehl but one would have to read deep to find the lede. Reinoehl never made an attempt to hide his far-left views, declaring proudly he is "100% ANTIFA."