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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Sunday afternoon Trump waved as he drove by crowds of supporters gathered outside of Walter Reed, a move his team claims was cleared by doctors. But I guess they didn't run it by this guy. Dr. James P. Phillips is an attending physician at Walter Reed and Sunday evening, criticized the President's drive-by mere theater that put "lives at risk."

When I was in college in the late 1960s, I took a course called Russian Intellectual History. I had always liked Russian literature, I'd been told the professor was good, and the course seemed an easy way to fulfill a history requirement.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—darling of the far-left and heroine of the anti-Israel lobby—recently canceled an appearance sponsored by far left 'pro-Israel' groups, and reportedly is avoiding meeting with mainstream Jewish groups. In this post, I go over the background of how we got here.

For months now, the mainstream media and Democrats have used variations of the term "peaceful protests" to describe the nightly Antifa/BLM-led riots in Democrat-run cities like Portland and Seattle that have turned parts of these cities into apocalyptic warzones.

Iran and other rogue states are covertly working to acquire German technology for making nuclear, biological, and chemical weapons, Germany's prominent intelligence agency confirmed on Friday. Tehran was using front companies to deceive German firms into selling dual-use equipment and sanctioned WMD technology, the intelligence service of Germany's Hesse state disclosed in its annual report.

President Trump's medical team held a presser Sunday morning and said that the president is doing so well that he might be discharged from Walter Reed as soon as tomorrow.  If this were to happen, he would continue his treatment at the White House.

I never got to write the post about how the chaos of the first presidential debate may end up helping Trump because he came across as strong, and Biden as weak. The conventional wisdom was to the contrary.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has decided to rewrite history. The disastrous policy of putting Coronavirus patients into New York nursing homes cost thousands of lives, but Cuomo is now saying that didn't happen. The governor of New York is straight-up lying to the faces of the American people.