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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Hailed as heroes who were taking a principled Never Trump stand by the Democratic Party's unofficial media activist arm, the Lincoln Project is quickly going the way of Michael Avenatti; having served their anti-Trump purpose, the media that built them up is busily tearing them down. And as with Avenatti, the damage to the Lincoln Project is self-inflicted; now that the election is over, the second sham impeachment circus wrapping up, their vileness is no longer being ignored, buried, and/or spun by a TDS-afflicted media willing to embrace any scourge to score points against President Trump.

Ever since the Los Angeles Times published a toxic article connecting Recall Newsom petition signers to white supremacists and anti-vaxxers, I have been an ardent advocate for the effort to force a vote of the California governor. The last time I checked, the number of petition signers was 1.4 million. Recent reports indicate that the activists have gathered the required 1.5 million signatures necessary to get a recall vote on the ballot.

This week, a United Arab Emirates spacecraft, the Mars orbiter Hope, successfully entered the orbit around Earth's nearest planetary neighbor.
The probe is the first since NASA's Insight lander in November 2018 to reach the planet. The successful arrival at Mars makes the UAE the fifth nation to reach Mars, following the United States, Russia, China and India.

The Democrats and the media held up New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo as a national leader regarding response to the COVID pandemic Cuomo wrote a book about his leadership and received an Emmy Award for his press conferences. The nursing home deaths that occurred on his watch have never gotten the attention they deserve but that might be about to change.

We have covered for a decade the campus shout-downs and shut-downs of speakers, the incessant thought policing, the political correctness run amok, and in recent years, the cancel culture and repression of free expression. We also have documented how the campus culture has migrated to the broader culture, reflected in Big Tech censorship and repression.

Campus 'Confucius Institutes' have been repeatedly accused of spreading Chinese Communist Party propaganda in the United States for years. Trump took action on this issue last year, following the outbreak of the Coronavirus pandemic. Biden is now turning back the clock and reversing this policy, which makes no sense.

In April, Democrats and the mainstream media began using Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis as a whipping boy for Gov. Andrew Cuomo's pandemic management failures in New York. Florida lawyer Daniel Uhlfelder kicked it up a notch by donning a grim reaper costume and periodically hitting the state's beaches to remind beachgoers about the COVID crisis and to try and shame DeSantis in the process.