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After a string of recounts and runoffs, it’s official that Rep. Lee Anderson will be the Republican nominee in Georgia’s 12th Congressional District. Georgia election officials say a recount has upheld state Rep. Lee Anderson as the winner of the Republican primary runoff in the...

Texas is not doing well with federal judges in the District of Columbia.  Days ago a three judge panel threw out Texas’ redistricting maps, now a different panel has thrown out the Voter I.D. law.  (Opinion embedded below) This analysis from Rick Hanson at Election...

I guess this is the day for anecdotes. First, the friend who texted “Omg!” after seeing 2016 Obama’s America. Then, the carpet cleaning guy today who called this photo to our attention when told about this blog: (Background on the sign here and just about...

Operation Counterweight, the electoral strategy for the rest of us, is intended to help provide a counterweight to conservatives being sold out in two ways. First, we must elect more conservative Republicans.  Second, we must hold the House majority and take back the Senate by a sufficient majority...

Stuart Rothenberg still sees no Dem wave in sight: Democratic strategists need a dramatic shift in the House playing field if they are going to have any chance of netting the 25 seats they need to regain a majority in the House of Representatives. And...

Throughout her career and political campaign, Elizabeth Warren has found victims everywhere she looked, including when she looked in the mirror and saw an alleged descendant of one of the most historically victimized groups, Native Americans. In what may be the ultimate and cruelest irony, not only...

Byron York has been one of the few level heads throughout the primaries.  There’s no point in naming names, since I’ve done that plenty, but so many in the alleged conservative punditry and media put in abysmal performances. This post shines, With his serious talk, Gingrich...

Because of a number of distractions, I couldn’t devote much time to yesterday’s primaries yesterday, but here’s my net assessment, followed by some links: Mitt Romney is the luckiest politician in recent memory.  He barely eked out a victory in Ohio and thereby dominates the...

State-by-State vote results: NY Times. 11:00 p.m. –  Santorum is up by a couple of thousand votes with 86% reporting, but the talking heads are saying some key Romney precincts are not fully reported, so it is possible and maybe likely he will eke out...

With this being my first time ever attending CPAC, it can be easy to get caught up in the awe of it. The faces you see on the other end of the television every day turn into actual people and conference goers get a chance...

If being an Obamabot is the end result of evolution, we would have been better off staying knuckle-dragging troglodytes. From reader, student and author @BlakeSeitz, taken in a parking garage at the University of Georgia:

Mitt Romney’s key debate line of late is that Newt resigned in disgrace over ethics charges. It’s even featured in the most recent Romney advertisement (not his SuperPAC) running in Florida. I posted links the other day showing that the charges against Newt were political and...

Last night ABC News aired the much ballyhooed interview with Marianne Gingrich, Newt’s ex-wife. The ballyhoo was not warranted.  The “interview” was not so much an interview as an 8-minute ABC News attempt to portray Newt in an unfavorable light interspersed with very short clips...

There’s more to the story than you are hearing in the media.  Marianne Gingrich is no innocent, and she was the one who broke the marriage and cleaned out the house, via Robert Costa via AP report from 1999 (h/t Burke): Documents related to the divorce filed Friday in Cobb...

Amazingly, while Barack Obama’s college, law school, and State Senate records are sealed in a vault to which there is no key, The Wall Street Journal has uncovered Newt’s employment records from the 1970s when he was teaching history and then geography at West Georgia College and...

Every now and then there is just one of those mainstream media moments which points out how false narratives are created. This time it’s a story from CBS Boston titled Gingrich Left ‘Speechless’ By Young Voter’s ‘Old People’ Question (h/t reader punfundit in the Tip Line).  Here’s the...